I have come to familiarize myself with The Umbrella Music Group (UMG). UMG consists of some of Milwaukee’s finest rap artists. They are Royal Fam (Prophetic and fellow rappers Ka$h and Yo-Dot), Misen Lync (Toine Jay, TKS and Maal Himself), producer Adlib, Tay Butler and former Black Elephant rapper Dameon Ellzey. In an industry where beating the competition is how people get ahead, these fellas decided to come together to make it happen. And they have done so successfully. Not only do they bless the stage with top notch performances, they do their own promotions as well. And I don’t mean promoting their own music, they promote each other. Collaborative efforts are a rarity in the industry but the guys are working it and workin’ it well. There is one member of UMG, Tay Butler, who is currently on tour in Iraq. His album “Tay’s Anatomy” can be purchased on iTunes now. Even though he is not here, UMG is still promoting his album as we speak. I wish him a speedy and safe return home and I look for ward to hear ing what else he has to offer.
Checking my inbox for new music is usu ally a daunting task. It is a rare occasion when I come across music that catches my ear, at first listen. That is exactly what happened when I came in con tact with “24 Black Bauer Season: 1”.
Listening to Ka$h, @ktarantino , on 24 Black Bauer Season 1, I quickly came to realize that he is definitely one to watch. He brings lyrics and a sound that the game is miss ing right about now. On the track “Strength In Numbers”, his lyrical flow is crazy. I rarely nod my head at first listen to a track. I was jamming and head nodding by the mid dle of the first verse. The lyrics are real and have depth. They parallel life and what it really is, not what some “rappers” make it out to be. He reminds me a lit tle of Prodigy. Not so much in how his voice sounds but in his deliv ery. He incorporates cleverness into his lyrics and the flow is smooth, not choppy. In an industry that is catering to hip-slop, Ka$h definitely has what it takes to be amongst those artists who can bring the game back to what it once was. “Real Life” feat. Roni and Prophetic, is another favorite. Even with more than one artist on deck and differ ent flow styles, they still man aged to deliver a tough track.
Once again I found good, new music to share. I feel like I am doing my readers a service because good music nowadays is hard to find. Black Bauer 24 has found its way into my own per sonal col lec tion of music rota tion in my Blackberry. My iPod and I had a falling out so my Blackberry is currently my music player of choice. I strongly recommend this mixtape be downloaded for your listening pleasure . DOWNLOAD HERE You will not be disappointed.
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