Thursday, August 13, 2009

Drake - The Winner

Drake's "The Winner" isn't a new track. It's been out for a few weeks. But I figure it doesn't hurt to spread the word. Figuring this doesn't have any features, which can be a good or bad thing considering his associations, I decided to post it.

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¡Mayday! - Red Carpet Affair

I posted a link to the album ¡MAYDAY! gave out for free. The album is called "Technology" and this track off the album is called "Red Carpet Affair". Who says there isn't any good music out? You have to look for it. Check it out...

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MSTRKRFT featuring John Legend - Heartbreaker

Check out this electro/pop duo, MSTRKRFT, out of Toronto on this Heartbreaker track featuring John Legend. I like the feel to it. Different. Dope.

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Joe Budden, Raekwon and American Civility

Jay Smooth always comes with great info, witty commentary and great points. Peep his take on Joe Budden, Raekwon and American Civility.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Road to Release Day: Eternia & MoSS: "AT LAST" Episode 10

In Episode #10, Eternia introduces the viewers to the musicians she plays with: DJ Boo, Chesney Snow, & Colin Dean. They are joined on stage by Grammy-award winner Maya Azucena for their Encore. Pumpkinhead has to make up for missing E's set, and as usual E gets the official stamp of approval from a few "co-signs" at the end of the night... then tells 'em what she's really after...

Check Episode One
Check Episode Two
Check Episode Three
Check Episode Four
Check Episode Five
Check Episode Six
Check Episode Seven & Eight
Check Episode Nine

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Check It ... "Dilemma" Rob Murat feat. Kidz In The Hall

Caught this video over at Dope track. Check it.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Check It ... Brother Ali "Us"

I saw this a few days ago over at The girl has great taste in music. This Brother Ali joint is dope! The new album by Brother Ali is available worldwide September 22, 2009

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Colbert on Jeremih

I caught this re-run today. I still can't stop laughing. Colbert talks about Jeremih and it's pretty funny. Haha!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Back to School With Jeremih
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMeryl Streep

Check It ... Blue Scholars "Hi-808" [vid]

We posted the song a few days ago, now watch Seattle based hip hop duo Blue Scholars' new video for "Hi-808"off of the OOF! EP their forthcoming ode to true Hawaii. OOF! EP will be available online Tuesday, August 25, 2009.

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: Things You Should Know

There are some things you may need to know about me before we interact. I'm a fairly positive dude, but there are a few things (maybe more than a few) that bother me. Figured I'd throw some of my likes and dislikes out there.

1. I’m an advocate of peer pressure.

2. I think you should be allowed to throat chop the following people without consequence: douchebags (vague on purpose), people who don't do the polite wave when you let their car cut in front of you, Joe Jackson, Al Sharpton, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Nick Cannon, Ringtone Rappers (plus their followers) and those that press the elevator button after you've already done it. I'm open to further suggestions.

3. I really don’t think the phrase “no homo” excuses you from anything and I’m slightly disturbed by the use of it in rap. I think the term "Pause" is equally as stupid! It's like dropping "with all due respect" at the start of a sentence and then saying "you're an f'ing asshole". Doesn't excuse anything (especially if you're an f'ing asshole).

4. I think a lot of music on the radio sucks (Playlists are wack and radio won't learn until all of their listeners go to the internet and satellite radio for good music and variety). I support real quality music (hence this blog). I wonder if we can get that back on a mainstream level...

5. If there was a movie about my life, I'd want Sean Connery to play me. I think it would be a breakout role for him.

6. I hate facebook group pages! F' joining the "Red Lobster Cheddar Biscuits are Delicious" group (yes, they are but really does it need a group?) or the "I'd Like Five More Minutes of Sleep in The Morning" group (will joining this group make that happen?) F' out of here! (join The Mad Bloggers FB page TODAY!! lol). I may however hate facebook quizzes more. Cool, I would be Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz quiz and I'd be a door on the "what part of the house would I be" quiz. F' out of here with those too! So please miss me on those requests! Thanks, Management!

7. I think R. Kelly is a musical genius (minus all 100 chapters of trapped in the closet). I like that the dude makes some GREAT music, it's not like I want him to babysit my kids. I separate his personal dilemmas from the music. (I however don't co-sign on a dude wearing a Zorro mask).

8. I think OJ Simpson is an idiot (you get off on murder but go to jail for stealing your own shit back?). He should have been put to sleep for being such an idiot.

9. I think Mario Van Peebles, Keenen Ivory Wayans and Robert Townsend make movies so that they can give themselves really cool roles, otherwise they'd be lame if someone else casted them in flicks (like they are in real life).

10. I don't understand sarcasm.

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Sketch Tha Cataclysm - Shoeless Flow Jackson

Much appreciation for hard working artists that give out free work. Show your love and check out Sketch Tha Cataclysm and his music.

<a href="">Freewrite #8 by Sketch tha cataclysm</a>

Link #2 - Shoeless Flow Jackson

A collection of songs; none too heady and a lot of them being performance songs that were never intended to be officially released. Something fun for you folks while loose ends are being tied on the enormous amount of projects coming soon. I love y'all. Spread the word. Design the change.

Sketch Tha Cataclysm.

Credits: Released 07 August 2009
All tracks produced by Sketch Tha Cataclysm except for "Words and Numbers" produced by SilenTuch.
The mix track is mixed by DJ Halo
Album art by Alexandra Simmons
© All rights reserved

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Blitz The Ambassador - On My Mixtape Sh*t

Now I am sure many sites have this mixtape and being that it's a really good one from a really talented artist named Blitz The Ambassador, I figure I'd help spread the word. For those who speak about the lack of quality in Hip Hop, here's your chance to hear proof that it's not dead, just being pushed to the side for more gimmicky, temporarily profitable crap. Check it out....

Click here to download the mixtape: On My Mixtape Sh*t

Also, check out his album Stereotype that's out now. Support real music!

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