Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I'm Listening To Right Now...J. Caesar

Can't say enough good things about this track and this artist. Originally referred to me by a friend with a great ear for music. Take a listen. Enjoy. Smooth. Talented. R&B!

Dear Jane - Jason Caesar

For more info:
Jason Caesar on MySpace
PoE.T.s Music on MySpace
J. Caesar's Official Website

"Yo It's The Phan To The Tasm...Prince To The Po...Yeah, The U To The G...And The Monch, Pharoahe..."

'I'm sorry Rap Music, but correct me if I'm wrong, I think Hip Hop was talking and it's rude to interrupt.'

I had this song play 5 straight times on my Zen. Brought me back. Like, damn! I don't know what to say. This is my kind of hip hop. Pure. Real. Fire. 'Nuff said!

An Awkward Moment

I was sitting in a car waiting for someone to come out of a store. This dude walks up to his SUV in front of me pushing a shopping cart. He lets go of the cart and goes to open his trunk. You know what happened next right? Yep, the cart rolls right into the car next to his. It didn't roll soft either. BANG! The cart hit the car so hard that the car actually shook. He quickly scanned the parking lot to see if anyone noticed. He noticed me. Immediately he put his head down and starts rushing his groceries into the car. A moment later the owner of said car walks over. I'm sure she had to see this cart hit her car. I'm like, uh oh... it's about to go down. She glances at her bumper. You know when you've done something wrong you don't look up or in that persons direction? That's exactly what this dude did. I couldn't stop laughing. Talk about an awkward moment.

Speaking Of Which...

When are the Air Yeezy's supposed to be officially released? Because they look like a pair of kicks I might need to get my hands on, depending on the price of course. I'm reading sometime this month. Who knows?! I'm far from being an official "sneakerhead".

Kanye's Amazing is NBA's Official Playoff Song

I don't think I can get tired of any song off Kaney West's 808s & Heartbreaks. And as I post this, VH1 Soul is playing his video "Welcome To Heartbreak ft Kid Cudi". Can't get sick of that song either. "Damn, Kanye, you a geeeeeeniuuussss!"

You Excited?

Mos Def "Flowers" (Click to View)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Floetry, Come Back

I know the ladies of Floetry had a falling out but they need to get it together because there is a serious void in music today. Serious void.

Everybody Heard (Click to View)
Fantasize (Click to View)
Say Yes (Click to View)

Flashback to Def Poetry Jam

I've been thinking about Def Poetry Jam over the last few days. So, I went searching for videos. Here's a few joints I wanted to share.

Colbert Nation

Colbert gets his! Check out the video below to find out what NASA did for Colbert. It truly shows the power of his viewers, the internet and word of mouth. Remember when he got his portrait in the National Portrait Gallery and then the American History Museum? He truly knows how to rally the people.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Space Module: Colbert - Sunita Williams
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorNASA Name Contest

What I'm Listening to Right Now... Jimi Hendrix

Educate yourself (Click to View Video)

Do Rappers Even Retire?

Could you imagine saying at 22-years-old you feel the need to retire from something? Well, Bow Wow has announced that he is stepping away from the rap game to pursue other interests. I respect what he's accomplished at a young age. You know, he's grown as an artist going from Lil Bow Wow to just Bow Wow. He did the "best of both worlds" collaboration with Omarion. Apparently there isn't anything else for him to do after enjoying so much success as an artist with seven studio albums. I think it might have been the moment he did that "Marco Polo" trash with Soulja Boy that he may have realized it was time to retire. However, we all know that rappers (insert Too Short and Jay-Z to name a few) or entertainers in general don't really retire so I don't even know why they bother to say it. Oh, that's right for publicity reasons of course. He'll be back. In the meantime I guess we should all rush out and buy his new album since it will be his last (riiiiight).

Okay, I Apologize

Jamie Foxx appeared on Jay Leno last night and offered Miley Cyrus an apology for remarks he made on his radio show. I just hate when celebrities apologize just because of public pressure. I know when you're wrong, you should apologize. I think people say what they mean you know and then they back down when the public comes after them. He should have said "I'm a comedian."

Here is what he said on Jay Leno: “Miley, I apologize. I’ll call you. I so apologize to her. This is sincere because I am a comedian and you guys know that whatever I say, I don’t mean any of it. Sometimes, as comedians as we do, we go a little bit too far. I have a radio show … we’re really the black Howard Stern. We go at everybody. But, there was a situation with Miley Cyrus, and I just wanna say I apologize for what I said. I didn’t mean it maliciously. I’m a comedian.”