Friday, April 10, 2009

What I'm Listening to Right Now... Keelay and Zaire

South Park Spoofs Kanye West In A Song Called "Gay Fish"

This all stemmed from an episode on South Park called "Fishsticks" which originally aired on 4/08/09 on Comedy Central. If you ask me, I'd say it was pretty funny. Nothing hilarious but if you've witnessed Kanye's personality in the media/public, then you see why they did what they did and why they did it in the way they did. LOL!!! Just saying.

Here's the song done by an unknown artist:

Here's a six plus minute video clip of the show:

To see that same entire episode, here's the link courtesy of Comedy Central:

Quick Observation... Tanning is Stupid

I think teenage girls have no reason to ever be at a tanning salon. I mean, parents shouldn't allow it in the first place. What's the point? I think it's obnoxious and parents that allow it are absolutely ridiculous. I mean, I think tanning salons in general are stupid but to allow your teenage daughter to get the idea in her mind that it's okay is foolish. Parents need to have control of their teens and keep them young while they are young. They also need to learn how to say no to certain things and this is one of them. I'm just saying. Perhaps I'm just ignorant to the desire to tan, considering I have a natural one.

Funny Pic... Got 'em

I was walking through the mall and came across this Saturn SUV with bird crap on the back. Yes, I said in the mall. I guess cars get hit in and outside the mall.

What I'm Watching... Ryan Leslie - "How It Was Supposed to Be"

Ryan Leslie is such a beast! He's a really talented dude and I appreciate he brings his fans into the studio with him as he works on his craft. Check out the 'How It Was Supposed to Be' video and a look at a track he's doing with Fab and Keri Hilson (see below). It seems like every time he's in the lab someone is close by to record a track with him. Haha. Enjoy.

How It Was Supposed To Be (Military Version) from Ryan Leslie on Vimeo.

Follow the madness:
Check out more from The Mad Bloggers

In the Studio with Ryan Leslie

What I'm Listening to Right Now... A Tribe Called Quest

It's Q-Tip's birthday and all that, so I threw on some old Tribe this morning. Enjoy. (Click to Listen)

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Let's Make a Deal...


The Skit (Click to Listen)

Probably based on actual events. Cliche' Records... haha.

Check Out Wale
Nike Boots

What I'm Listening to Right Now... Pete Philly & Perquisite

I came across Pete Philly and Perquisite, a crew out of Amsterdam. According to their site "Pete Philly and Perquisite found each other in their quest to widen the boundaries of the hip hop genre, which is dominated by meaningless bling videos, lyrics about boobs and guns, and music deprived from any form of creativity." I've listened to a few tracks, watched their videos and their love of the craft is displayed so eloquently in both. You can tell that they truly enjoy what they do.

This video Q&A was filmed on a cell phone. Video is DOPE!

Check out more of their work at:
Pete Philly Perquisite YouTube
Pete Philly Perquisite Website

What I'm Listening To Right Now...Heiruspecs

I've seen these guys perform over a year ago at Toad's Place in New Haven, CT. After they were done, I bought 2 cds. Boom. That easy. Good music. Really good music. Band is ill. Just was a great experience. Lyrics are great. Listen to it. That is all.

What I'm Listening to Right Now... Blu & Exile

Boy, I can't rhyme but if I could I would freestyle over this track right here. It's so mellow and chill. It's a decent day outside (finally) and with a cup of coffee next to me, I'm vibin' with "You are now in the clouds" from Blu & Exile.

Yeah, that's hip-hop... or not

Oh, I get it, this is hip-hop. Right?! Yeah, this is hip-hop or not at all. Apparently Jim Jones was arrested this week after he was pulled over for allegedly missing a license plate. He had an outstanding traffic ticket warrant and was taken in. Woooooow. Keep it gangsta! Word son, don't pay those parking tickets. He immediately twittered his over 30,000 followers (obnoxious that many people follow) about the incident and kept them all up to date throughout the process. He was processed and released. I guess he's in the studio working on the new single, "I tweet that!"

"I will tweet that... tweet... tweet... tweet
I get that tweet... I send that tweet... Mobile or internet tweet...
I will tweet that with a fox
I will tweet that in a box
I will tweet them here and there...
Jim Jones tweets that everywhere...
(insert bird sound here and some dumb ad-lib)"

Bona-fide hit. Oh, I have to had add "no homo" to make it real!

Or not.

Another ignorant moment for the kids to follow.