Tuesday, April 07, 2009

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: Sheets in the window

What's good with heads that don't have real curtains or blinds in their window? I have a few pet peeves, and heads that hang sheets or blankets in their windows is one of them. It's not a good look. It's lazy. It's ghetto. It's annoying. Really, how hard is it to run down to Target, Walmart ... hell even KMart and grab some cheap curtains. I understand everyone lives in difference circumstances and money is tight for some, but it's really, really, really not a good look. Get some curtains, please.

DUMB ISH: Crazy Air Chase

I'm use to watching high speed pursuits when someone takes off in a car while police are chasing closely behind. But a plane chase? What's that even called? A high air pursuit?

Apparently the pilot hoped he would be shot down by the F-16 fighter jets that followed the pilot and tried to establish communication over the six hour chase that crossed from Canada into the US and then through several states and ended in Missouri, 783-miles later.

As if the air chase wasn't gangster enough, when it was all said and done he went to a close-by store, used the bathroom, bought a Gatorade and waited for police. Damn dude, tell 'em why you mad?! Haha.

He was charged with transportation of stolen property and with illegally entering the country. Authorities say the whole incident was pretty bizarre. You're right about that.

Can't wait to see this on one of those "greatest chase" specials.

Too Far with Arab Money?

The Mad Bloggers are fans of Busta Rhymes. O is actually a huge fan. That "Arab Money" track has an amazing beat and me and my kids sometimes do the dance from the video.

Yassin Alsalman aka "The Narcicyst" was apparently offended and he says that many of Busta's Arab fans are as well. It's not really hard to see why many may be offended. From movies to music to television shows, it seems like everything has something in it that will offend some group of people. But does Busta go too far on this track? The following is a story from Marketplace on public radio. What do you think?

Funny Pic... Sometimes There are Treasures in Forwarded Emails

Does this bed make me look fat?: Barbie at 50

I really don't like forwarded email. You know, the "send this to 20 people" type of emails. I really hate it more when heads don't "bcc" and your email gets out there for others to send you forwards too. Great, just what I need in my inbox. Most of the time I just delete forwards outright, especially if it's from someone notorious for just sending forwards. You know the person I'm talking about. The one that hasn't sent you a personal email in years and won't respond to your "hey, how are things going" inquiries but shoot, if they need to send an email to 20 people real quick before their love life goes into the crapper from some curse associated with the chain email, you're number one of the list. Nope, delete.

Anyway, the picture above came from a forward that I almost didn't open but I'm happy I did. Thought it was a ridiculous rendering of what Barbie would look like if she hadn't kept herself in shape over the last 50 years. Good thing Barbie has handlers that won't allow the most important part of the toy doll market to gain that type of weight. Her weight has actually been part of numerous controversies, saying that she didn't give off the image of a real woman. If you can recall, she gained some weight a few years back but when the Bratz hit the scene, she quickly lost it (I have a daughter who plays with dolls, damn it's not like I'm really following it).

Maybe I got too deep on this quick post of a funny picture. Anyway, thought I would forward it to the blog.

A Second Listen

I hit folks with a post yesterday about Melissa Czarnik (check it here). She's a dope female emcee out of Milwaukee. Came across this track earlier today. I thought I would share it too. Enjoy.

What I'm Listening to Right Now... Ray LaMontagne

I already said that I'm a fan of all types of music, so you shouldn't be surprised by what I'm listening to right now. Ray LaMontagne is a true storyteller and incredibly talented. "You Are the Best Thing" (click to check it out) is a chill track, infused with soul and blazing horns and LaMontagne's raspy and powerful voice. "You Are the Best Thing" is off his Gossip in the Grain album. Sure he looks like a cross between Joaquin Phoenix (in his current state) and comedian Zach Galifianakis but this is a quality track and it's what I'm listening to right now.

Poke Her Face

I Poke Her Face - KiD CuDi feat. Kanye West, Common, Lady Gaga

"I poke her face"... woooooow! Kid Cudi ft. Kanye West, Common and A-Trak take Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" track to a different place. Thoughts?

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: They'll Never Grow Up to Me

Nick Cannon and Ray J are two dudes that I will never respect as adults stars, ever. I don't know where this comes from but it's the way I've felt for a long while.

They've tried so hard over the years to claim adult fame but I just can't accept them as adult stars. It's like a mental block of some sort. For whatever reason I think they're both wack and are well pass their youth prime.

I first saw Nick Cannon on Nickelodeon's All That. He was straight on the show. Then came the movies and the rapping. Sorry, I can't co-sign on those moves. He's not a good actor, not really funny and the rapping is way off. But as a youth star he was suppose to be kind of corny considering he was on Nickelodeon. The only reason Wild 'N Out was half funny was the supporting cast Cannon rocked with, including De Ray and Katt Williams. Some make the argument, look at his wife. Well, marrying Mariah Carey doesn't make him more of a grown man to me.

Now, Ray J no matter what will always be Brandy's brother to me. He even had a roll on her show Moesha. Then in an effort to step out of his sisters shadow, he launched his own career. Remember that song One Wish, when he actually asked for like 15 wishes? Then to really attempt to give himself more of an edge he made a pornographic home video with then girlfriend Kim Kardashian, the so conveniently was leaked. Then there's the For the Love of Ray J show on VH1 where he tries to give himself even more of an edge. I guess Ray tried to tap into that "pump life into your career by claiming you are looking for love but you just need the spotlight and love will never be found in just one season" reality television formula. Sorry, an attempt at being an adult star is just not working for me Ray.

Close friends have heard me say all of this before and I know O (co-author of The Mad Bloggers) is laughing somewhere about this but it's how I feel.

Sexy Can I is a cool song and Drumline is a decent movie but both would have probably been better products if Ray and Nick weren't a part of them. I just think both of these guys are trying really hard to be something they are not. Perhaps it's working on some and you've forgotten that Nick Cannon started on Nickelodeon and Ray J is Brandy's little brother.

I can't and maybe that's the problem.

Monday, April 06, 2009

What I'm Listening to Right Now... Melissa Czarnik

Surfing the internet, doing that YouTube thing as per usual, and came across Melissa Czarnik and felt the need to share. Czarnik is a poet and emcee hailing from Milwaukee, WI. Her vibe is pretty dope (yeah, I used the word "dope" to describe her music). Apparently she's working on a project now due out this summer. Her last full project, Strawberry Cadilliac is available on iTunes or you can check her myspace page (www.myspace.com/melissaczarnik). Sit back and mellow out.

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: Wearing Pajamas Pants in Public is Stupid

Wearing pajamas in public is stupid. You know like more than on your porch, in your backyard or to take out the trash.

You know the folks I'm talking about walking around the mall or department store in pajama pants, tims and a hoody. You know, like it's an outfit or something. I'm not talking about pajamas in the sense of like sweatpants or gym shorts that you've turned into pajamas. I'm talking spongebob square pants, a sports team or checkers joints. Anything along those lines. Put it this way, the joints purchased in the pajama section of the store should not be worn out, ever. You know there are folks that go out intentionally and buy pajama pants to rock like a for real outfit.

Hey, I hear sometimes there are circumstances that you may need to run out quick in pajama pants, like to go grab some milk quick from the grocery store, pick up some pampers or maybe to drop off your son or daughter that missed the school bus. Something like that. Usually requires limited contact with people and may not even require you to get out of the car. This is quick in and out type stuff, not chill out and go shopping and grab some lunch in the food court type of deal.

Pajama pants is not a real part of an outfit and never will be. Stop it, it's dumb.

Blu & Exile

If you don't own this album, there's a problem.
Blu & Exile "Dancing in the Rain" live (click to check it out)

Sunday, April 05, 2009

THE BRIEFING: Time Warner Moves to Limit Internet Use

I obviously spend a lot of time on the Internet. I’m online watching videos, checking various websites, chatting and downloading. I love the high-speed Internet service that’s become the norm. Remember the days of dial up? Ha! I even remember when having the Internet at all was a luxury.

We hop on-line now with a carefree attitude enjoying the world-wide-web. Our usage may soon be curbed with talk of Internet-use pricing that will cap your use under the proposed plan.

Apparently several companies are running tests in various markets and I found the following about Time Warner’s attempt in the Rochester, New York area (see below). They aren’t alone, with Comcast and AT&T thinking of similar plans. Apparently for them it’s not economic to continue the unlimited Internet plans because of the high costs behind developing and maintaining the infrastructure required to meet the needs of customers. Hey, I hear the argument but it’s been unlimited for as long as I can remember.

Changing the rules after so many years of unlimited service sounds like an unfair rule change. It’s like playing three quarters of basketball and in the forth quarter you suddenly learn that the other team will now get five points per basket, while you’ll only receive one point per basket. Really?! Can you just claim that the costs are too high and then start to impose new fees? (SIDE BAR: In tough economic times it seems like various companies are changing their terms of service. Kodak recently announced that their online photo gallery will now come with a minimum order per year in order to protect photos from being deleted from their site.)
It doesn’t seem fair. The new fees will definitely start causing folks to be more conscious about how much bandwidth they are using or seek alternative service providers. This may end up hurting companies like Time Warner more.

Apparently the Time Warner test will look at customer reaction as one of the determining factors on whether they will expand the program in their other service areas. Other Internet service providers are also paying close attention to those results. I can tell you right now that the plan sucks without doing any research.

This piece appeared in Rochester New York’s Democrat and Chronicle.

Time Warner not alone in Internet-use pricing
By Kate Perry

Time Warner Cable Inc.'s decision to ditch a flat monthly fee for Rochester-area Internet subscribers and replace it with usage-based pricing may be a forerunner of a historic change in the way Internet service providers do business.

AT&T Inc. also is testing usage-based pricing in two markets, and Comcast Corp., another big provider, is considering alternatives to the flat-rate/unlimited-usage model that has been the industry norm.

Despite the moves, industry experts don't foresee all Internet providers adopting a consumption-based model, even though it could be more profitable. They say competition and customer reaction will be factors in determining which companies change the way they charge.

Time Warner Cable's new system, which is to take effect in September, will force big gigabyte consumers to pay more, and all customers who exceed the gigabyte limit for the plan in which they're enrolled will pay a $1-per-gig overage charge.

With the advent and growing popularity of video-heavy sites such as Netflix.com, YouTube.com, Hulu.com, online gaming systems and file sharing networks, Internet service providers have seen a spike in usage, and they're all struggling with the best way to manage the increase in traffic and data consumption, said Dave McClure, president and chief executive of the U.S. Internet Industry Association.

His organization primarily advocates for better, faster and cheaper Internet service, but McClure said the flat-rate fee isn't working as well for the industry as it did in the days of dial-up service. Back then, so-called all-you-can-eat plans worked, and no one dreamed of consuming bandwidth the way we do in 2009.

Now, service providers are required to invest more in system upgrades to keep up with customers' demands.

"Everyone is watching the (Time Warner Cable) model very carefully to see what the level of consumer acceptance will be," McClure said. "We won't know whether this model will work or not, or whether the company will adopt it (nationwide).

"We just know we need to find a more acceptable model."

Role of competition
If customers stick with Time Warner Cable in the markets where the company either has changed its billing method or plans to - Rochester, three Texas cities and one in North Carolina - other providers could be emboldened to try it. If subscribers flee, the switch to usage-based pricing might be short-circuited. Mark Cooper, director of research for the Consumer Federation of America, said competition also will play a role. Time Warner Cable, he asserted, is introducing usage-based pricing in communities such as Rochester where it is the dominant high-speed Internet provider. Knowing the policy will irritate customers, companies won't try it in cities where there is an easy alternative, he said.

Time Warner Cable spokesman Alex Dudley said the trial cities were chosen because they represent a diverse collection of customers.

Like McClure, Cooper said consumer reaction will be a key in determining whether the new pricing model becomes the new norm. If this does mark a sea change for the industry, it will be a slow one.

"Time Warner has been dribbling it out, and there is a good reason for that," Cooper said.

In Rochester, the reaction last week when Time Warner Cable's plan was disclosed was marked by anger and suspicion among many consumers.

Some resented the idea of having to monitor their Internet use the way they do their cell phone minutes, while others worried that online pastimes such as watching movies and playing video games - or even their business and academic pursuits - could put a serious dent in their budgets.
Some accused the New York City-based company of greed, but Time Warner Cable said it simply is looking for a way to fairly bill customers who are gobbling up huge portions of bandwidth. The company's new plan calls for five tiers of usage, ranging from $29.99 a month for a 5-gigabyte cap to $54.90 for a 40-GB cap and an as-yet-undetermined fee for 100 gigabytes.

Similar move
AT&T, which offers only wireless Internet access in Rochester, is testing consumer reaction to a similarly tiered plan in Reno, Nev., and Beaumont, Texas, the latter also a Time Warner Cable test site. AT&T is looking for a more equitable way to bill customers whose usages vary widely, said Kate MacKinnon, a spokeswoman for the Dallas-based company.

Philadelphia-based Comcast said it continuously explores pricing options, including a consumption-based plan. But another industry giant, Verizon Communications Inc., said it has no plans to move to such pricing. Neither offers Internet service in Rochester.

Frontier Communications Corp., which does provide Internet service to the Rochester market, also said it has no plans to institute a new pricing model.

Frontier monitors customer usage and, like Time Warner Cable and AT&T, has a small portion of users consuming large portions of bandwidth. Last year Frontier clarified language in its usage policy to state that 5 gigabytes is "acceptable use" for a standard residential Internet package. However, the company doesn't charge any overages if a customer exceeds 5 gigabytes.

Ann Burr, chairman and general manager of Frontier in Rochester, said that customers are looking for value, especially in the current economic climate, so Frontier won't be considering any usage-based plans. However, she said she understands why other companies are trying it.

"We invest more than $30 million a year in our infrastructure in Rochester to keep pace with user demands and this growth in broadband consumption," Burr said.

Cooper, the consumer watchdog, isn't convinced that it's about infrastructure. He said the pricing switch is about Time Warner Cable flexing its market muscle to reap higher profits. But McClure, from the industry organization, said that's a low blow. "It's very easy for some policy wonk at a consumer organization to say they should just give (Internet away) for free," McClure said. "They don't have to keep the lights on. Our members do."