Showing posts with label a cappella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a cappella. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What I'm Watching: @Duwende - "As (a cappella cover)" (original by Stevie Wonder)

PEOPLE! People, people, people. I didn't know what to do when I hit the play button on their YouTube video and heard of this glorious awesomeness coming out the speakers. I literally jumped out of my office chair and started grooving to this stellar cover of Stevie Wonder's "As." We all get a little uneasy when we see that a rendition of a song belonging to one of the greats has been done, but when I tell you Duwende put their FOOT (feet?) into this, I mean it. Duwende's sound is warm, inviting, and the harmonies gelled like I haven't heard in over a decade, especially around the 3:03 mark. I can't believe I didn't know about them until today. So be shout outs and kudos to my friend Bri Cox.

Ladies and gentlemen, when I tell you this is what music sounds like, I'm really telling you this is what music sounds like. Don't believe me? Take a listen for yourself. Enjoy.

Want to keep up with what Duwende's doing? Check out their links below. By the way, I know you totally loved that.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I'm Watching: Pentatonix - "How Will I Know" (Whitney Houston Tribute)

Words really can't describe how incredible this is. Just check it out. It's worth it! Enjoy.

Whitney Houston, my love, may you rest forever in peace.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Mad Bloggers Spotlight: @TXHummingbird - 1+1 (original cover by Beyoncé)

Girl, listen... You did that!

I've seen one other video by @TXHummingbird singing "Happy Birthday" to a follower, and it was amazing. I didn't know "Happy Birthday" could be sung that well, and in a cappella no less. Any musician or artist knows how difficult it is to sing without music.

And again, I couldn't let myself go to bed without posting this, because this woman deserves to be heard. Of course, if I find out she has recorded material, I'll be SURE to post it on The Mad Bloggers as soon as possible.

I, myself, can say that I'm somewhat of a Bey stan. Not to the extent of others, but enough. But let me just tell y'all... @TXHummingbird > Beyonce on this song. Watch out Bey, you've got some MEAN competition.

Enjoy the video.

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