Some folks really over analyze the First Family in a way that's semi annoying. It is what it is, I suppose. Michelle wears shorts on vacation and Obama takes off his jacket in the Oval Office and the response is, I dare they ruin the establishment of the American President (they're black folks and they like to be comfortable, damn). But jumping on the President over wanting to address school children? Come on now!
I rarely talk about politics outside of with folks I know (and I'm not really talking about it now either) but something needed to be said about this uproar over President Obama intended speech to school children. It's being reported that next Tuesday the President will do a public address to school children, in what the White House is calling a "welcome back to school speech". Politics aside, I'd support any President with this type of speech. To me, it should have nothing to do with politics. But, some parents (mostly conservative) are demanding to know what the President will say before he says it. Really? Apparently they don't trust that his message to school children will not be a political one, and will somehow sway their children to his socialist and evil world. They also want the option to hold their children out of school while the President speaks. Really? Some school districts are also against showing the broadcast. Are these the same school districts that aren't for observing Martin Luther King's holiday either?
If you really feel this way, throat chop yourself immediately with the sharpest hand you can find (please also repeat this upwards of thirty times).
I love how a "study hard, stay in school and set goals" speech is politicized in such a way. I'm dumbfounded by the ignorance that believes that Tuesday's speech is an attempt to push propaganda and "to spread President Obama's socialist ideology." Weird, I forgot that study hard, stay in school and set goals are the staples of socialism. If you're demanding as a parent to see the President's speech prior to his Tuesday address, you need to also demand to see some of the lyrics to half of the music your kids listen to.
I went over and over with myself, what are the five things parents fear most that President Obama will say to their children in his speech on Tuesday. Here is what I came up with:
1. "Do you like healthcare? Me too. Yeah, getting sicky is never a good thing, huh? It makes you feel all yucky and you can't play your favorite video games. Well, some people want to take your healthcare from you or don't want to give it to you at all. If you don't like getting sick and you love playing video games, tell mommy and daddy to support my healthcare plan."
2. "Heil Hitler!"
3. "When you grow up, don't set goals ... smoke crack like Frankie and you can get a television show too."
4. "Tell the conservatives to stop hating on me. Can I be great?!"
5. "We all have the right to bare arms like Michelle. Every Tuesday and Thursday will be sleeveless day in America. And shorts year round."
Foolish for me to think that the President could be a viable role model for school children and deliver a message of staying in school and setting goals. Foolish for me to think that the President has the right to welcome school children back to school with what many believe will be an inspirational speech. Have you seen the drop out rates? They're staggering. Do you know how we rank in education among developed countries? This statistic is also staggering.
This is also not the first time that a sitting President has spoken to school children. President Reagan spoke to high school students in a televised speech. In '91, President George H.W. Bush spoke to students too, telling them to stay away from drugs.
This is the President of the United States. Have some respect!
Real talk, I believe that this uproar over the President addressing school kids is part politics (too much in fact) and part racism (black man speaking to my kids, uh no!) but no doubt that the whole thing is stupid. Some folks really need to rehearse (and think) some of the things they say before they say it because a lot of folks sound really ignorant right now in regards to the President speaking to school children on Tuesday. Damn, can he speak to the kids?
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