Showing posts with label The Throat Chop Session. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Throat Chop Session. Show all posts

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Throat Chop Session: Your Music Is Cool But Your Formatting SUCKS!

I took to twitter earlier today in a few different music inspired rants. The first about the quality of mainstream and underground music, in addition to the variety.

The second about how folks are presenting their music.

I once had a conversation with someone about artwork and pictures as it pertained to their music. Their response was simply, "I do it for the music." What folks fail to realize is that the music is much bigger than the music. It's about the package. It's about the artwork (so, the pics with the timestamp in the corner in a dark room, yeah, not so much for your promo shit!). It's ultimately about how you present it and yourself.

It can be about the music when you're just sharing it with your friends. But once you start trying to blast it to the world wide web, the music is bigger than just the music. Ya dig?!

You know one of the biggest failures with some folks pushing their music? Their inability to tag/format their music properly for download. It's my hobby job to listen (well, job is something you get paid for but you know what I mean, lol). It's the artist's job to make that shit easy for me (and others). Fuck am I searching in my iTunes for their music for?

Why are the tracks out of order? Where's the artwork? Why are things named "Track 01" or "Track 01 - Name of Artists - Name of song."? That looks unprofessional. Honestly, if you're an artist and you don't know what you're doing, ask someone. It makes it look like you don't care otherwise. And if you don't care about your music, don't expect anyone else to.

Bottom line, format that  shit or don't send it out! I REPEAT, FORMAT OR DON'T SEND!

I'm just being honest. I once had a project I had to search for track by track (okay, more than once but anyway). Then I had to tag and add the artwork myself. What is this a take home test? Gtfoh with that bullshit. Why am I doing all of that? I'm a fan, not an employee.

And if you make music and you think I'm being an asshole, you're too sensitive. Because if your project isn't formatted correctly, folks WONT see your vision because the tracks are out of order. Who's the asshole now?

I bet after all of this, there's some angry rapper sitting somewhere mumbling, "damn that n*gga fucked up."

Look in the mirror and say it again.

Thank me later! (#noDrake)


ps: I didn't even mention WAV, Mp3, Mp4 and all that. You know that's an issue too! Ask about it. lol

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Throat Chop Session: Jersey Shore x NYSE? FOH!

Sure, ringing the opening bell on the New York Stock Exchange is simply a ceremonial thing, with athletes, actors, musicians and others taking part in the ringing (if you will) over the years. I get it.

But the cast of Jersey Shore? WTF?! Do they even know what the NYSE is? I doubt it. They (and their producers) have already failed geography, since for some odd reason they think Miami is a part of the Jersey Shore (name fail 101).

Reality TV makes me sick because it creates these self proclaimed stars whose claim to fame is nothing more than making a jackass out of themselves on television. Looking like fools lands them clothing lines, club appearances among other things. Can't knock the hustle BUT reality television has watered down the definition of "celebrity." Jersey Shore is among the bottom of the barrel in reality television and with a second season on the way, it will ONLY get worse!

Eff this show and throat chop this Jersey Shore shit!

Snookie is popular for talking shit and NEVER being able to back it up and the Situation is the textbook definition of douchebag. These fuck faces are walking stereotypes. On the bright side, at least it's not black folks (read: all of BET's reality based programming).

It's still sad shit.

Oh well, I can't wait for Mel Gibson to ring the NYSE bell. I bet they'll have to blow him first OR it will be the rose garden for them if not.


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Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Throat Chop Session: Ameriiiiiie (How many I's are too many?)

There's just one thiing that got me triipiin...

I could hardly spell Amerie's name iin the fiirst place and now she's changed iit to Ameriie? You see what I just diid there? Let me do iit again, Ameriie. Notiice anythiing that tiime? Oh, maybe iit's the added I to her name. Who does that? And Why?

I personally hate thiis new trend of addiing an extra I to be "creatiive" iin spelliing thiings (I hate iit a liittle less than the trend of replaciing "g's" wiith lowercase "q's" but that's another post iin iitself). It's stupiid. Seriiously. Ameriie (the artiist formerly known as Amerie) released a statement about the name change, statiing: “I operate on viibes and iintuiitiion, and I beliieve everythiing iis energy; the viibratiion of the double I iis riight for me. Sliightly diifferent spelliing, completely same pronunciiatiion!”

Well, I thiink she's hiigh and thiis sounds liike a bunch of bullshiit.

Ameriie, you could have just added an accent over some random letter iif you wanted to be diifferent. Shiit, you could have just spelled Amerie "Lady Gaga" iif you were tryiing to push uniits. Just sayiing. Better yet, you could have just left it the same. An extra I iis liike an underscore iin a twiitter name, forgotten (Drake-liike punchliine?)

But whatever. I hope her 37 fans (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know she's a grammy nomiinated artiists, lol) are happii wiith the name change.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Throat Chop Session: The American Dream (puberty deferred)

Note: I decided to bring back a bit of my rants to The Mad Bloggers. You know, put the "MAD" back into it. Remember when O and I use to fly off the handle with our "tell 'em why you mad" pieces? Yeah, well we're going to bring back a bit of that personal touch. Now on to the the throat chopping ...

Dream, are you kidding buddy? What's your problem, pal? You weren't kidding with that radio killer stuff, huh? Has marriage and fatherhood messed you up to the point that you think you can remake an Aaliyah jawn?  You took your unpuberfied voice into the studio to touch this classic? There's a one in a million (pun intended) chance that anyone would have choose you to be the one to remake this joint. Cuz, you should be ashamed. Why? 1) Because you're a grown ass man and Justin Bieber has more base in his voice than you. And 2) just because. I feel like Quincy Jones some how indirectly put you up to covering this song since Quincy is on a war path to wreck remake classics.

What's funny is I know there are some folks that like this joint. That's fine. If they like it, the hell with that "it could be worse" argument though. Eff worse, it shouldn't have been done.

I'm not gonna front like I've never listened to any of your music but Terius, sometimes you need to know better. Oh, and since we're on the subject of things that suck, "Love King" is wack as hell too! Get your mind right or go back to just writing.

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