Showing posts with label The DS Brothers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The DS Brothers. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Stanza Speaks With The Mad Bloggers

I reached out to Stanza and his folks to get a little bit of insight on the artist that I feel will be going places. Check it out.

How old are you?
I consider my age to be infinity. To explain that - Music never has to age…it’s timeless. Stanza makes music therefore he is infinite.

Where are you from? Where did you grow up?
I was born & raised in College Park, Georgia.

How did you come up with your name?
Well, I came upon my name studying literary terms. Stanza means a unit within a larger poem; parts of a whole. I applied that definition to explain myself. So, the explanation goes as such – to see things as I, The Unit does, my larger poem would be you, the people.

How long have you been doing music?
I don’t really measure my music career in time, I measure it in accomplishments. So, by accomplishments I’d say I’m fairly young.

Is music your career or do you have a "day job"?
Seeing that I work a job to support my music; music is my career.

How would you describe your music? Genre?
It’s funny that you ask that question. Recently I read in another review about me, DJ Voodoo said that “Stanza is like Talib Kweli meets Lupe Fiasco, with Kanye’s confidence and Jay-Z’s flow.” Now that’s a pretty heavy description, but I didn’t say it…he did. Lol!

Where do you want to see your music go?
I guess eventually I want my music to have no boundaries. I’d like for everybody who listens to it to understand it.

Who are your musical influences?
My family. Portis Head, Strange Republik, Outkast, UGK, Sade, Anita Baker; they vary and I could go on for days.

In your opinion, what's the state of music?
Urban (Rap, Hip Hop) music is in purgatory right now. It could go to a good place or a bad place but right now it depends on the people, the fans, who are the most important part of the music business.

Who do you work with on your music?
DJ Teknology, Young Guru, The DS Brothers, SMKA, Rob Phas, J. Skills, and The Varsity Squad – just to name a few.

What's the hardest thing you're finding out that has to do with your music?
Having a solid plan to promote. Everything ties into promotions. Whether promoting to the people in the industry or the listeners (fans), at the end of the day they are all people.

What's your favorite part of doing your music?
My favorite part is having total control and the ability to create whatever I want to. Not allowing myself to be limited by other people or industry standards.

What projects have you done so far? What projects are you currently working on? (Where can fans get it?)
The current project we just released is I am Stanza: The Anthology (which is a collection of my work). Fans can get that at

How is your experience with 106 & Park working out for your career?
The 106 & Park experience was a stepping stone. It did great for the time but there is always the next day. So, we are continuing to work.

Do you use the internet and social networking sites to push your music? And if so, how? Has it helped?
Yes I do and I feel that it has helped a lot. I can’t explain the how; it happened through research, testing, a lot of trail & error. So for anyone that wants to RESEARCH it and test to see if it works for them, I suggest they do so.

For more info on Stanza, visit and to join our family

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