Showing posts with label The Cranberry Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Cranberry Show. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

What I'm Watching: The Cranberry Show "Traffic Lights"

Those Milwaukee boys The Cranberry Show always deliver with their videos. Peep the latest, Traffic Lights, off their Paranormal Karaoke project released back in February by and Enjoy. Chea!

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What I'm Watching: The Cranberry Show "Cinema"

You've heard of Maybach music, right? Right. Well, The Cranberry Show's latest offering is what I'd like to call stalker music. Ha! Fresh out of Milwaukee, TCS has been making their rounds with Paranormal Karaoke and now they're delivering the first video from that new project. You gotta dig a vid with a deep plot. Remember, everything isn't what it seems. Enjoy. Chea!

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Friday, February 03, 2012

NEW RELEASE: The Cranberry Show "Paranormal Karaoke"

I've either come to fully appreciate their sound or The Cranberry Show have grown more within their music. I've always liked what Young Focus and Arcane did with their music. Their sound has always been bold, creating the music they liked and believed in. But I've always said that the Milwaukee duo delivers music that's an acquired taste but sonically they've done something special with their DJBooth and backed project that is unlike any of their previous projects. I dare to even say, this is their finest work to date and if you weren't paying attention to them before, you should press play on Paranormal Karaoke. I have a feeling you might enjoy this one. Chea!


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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Cranberry Show "Sail"

Ahead of their and project Paranormal Karaoke, the Milwaukee duo The Cranberry Show release Sail. This joint is solid. Hit play and enjoy the latest from Young Focus and Arcane over The Smash Boiz produced cut. And look out for the full project due out February 1st. Chea!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Cranberry Show "Traffic Lights"

Those Cranberry Show boys are bad. And bad meaning good. Ha! They're an acquired taste but I fux with their music (and have for a while now). They've been gaining a lot of traction as they continuously release new music from their Milwaukee home base. With Paranormal Karaoke on the way, TCS drops Traffic Lights off the and sponsored project due out February 1st. I dig this cut. Hit play and enjoy. Chea!

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

What I'm Watching: The Cranberry Show - Paranormal Karaoke (1.1.12)

I typically stay away from trailers for projects but when they're creative I almost feel obligated to share. Milwaukee's The Cranberry Show dropped a trailer for their upcoming project Paranormal Karaoke due out January 1, 2012. Like I said, I dig a creative approach and TCS always delivers up fresh projects. Looking forward to the new work at the top of the year. Follow the madness: Check out more from The Mad Bloggers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What I'm Watching 5/17/11: Quake & Kayo, The Cranberry Show, Foff and St. Joe Louis

It's Tuesday and I have four dope videos for you that I've bumped into on the Internets or caught via email. Today, you get a solid offering from Quake & Kayo, The Cranberry Show, Foff and St. Joe Louis. Enjoy the videos after the jump. Chea!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

What I'm Watching ... The Cranberry Show "Time Of Day"

The Cranberry Show (Arcane and Young Focus) are some pretty funny guys. As I once wrote, their sound is a fusion of fun tracks and high energy, with a comical approach. You get that same type of energy on their latest project, Regular Ass N*ggas. I've said in the past that while TCS will appeal mostly to a younger audience, not all older heads will write them off. "Time Of Day" is a prime example of a track that both audiences will vibe to. These fellas don't take themselves too seriously but they deliver. And while lyrically they won't blow you away, they have some great punchlines. I dig most of the music these young cats put out. So, check out the video up top and you can download Regular Ass N*ggas below. Enjoy.

Download: Regular Ass N*ggas

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Download ... The Cranberry Show "SOSWTIWBYMTID"

The Cranberry Show makes fun music. And they release special projects at odd times. Like their Halloween release and this Thanksgiving release (look out for one on Christmas too). It took me a few days to get to this joint but it's pretty fresh. Check out Super Old Shit We Think Is Wack But You Might Think Is Dope (SOSWTIWBYMTID). Yeah, probably the longest title in history. Haha. Enjoy.


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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

THE CRANBERRY SHOW - Gangster Rap Video (parody)

These dudes are ridiculous! Check out the parody video from The Cranberry Show. The rhymes had me dying. Hahaha! Enjoy.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Interview: The Cranberry Show talk Sex And Pencil Shavings

Pic courtesy of David Szymanski
Just look at their cover artwork and you know this project is gonna be something different. Sex And Pencil Shavings is just that. Different, eclectic and at the end of the day, enjoyable. When I hit play on their new project, I had only having heard one previous track from The Cranberry Show (Arcane and Young Focus). I knew I liked their sound and was curious as to what a full album would bring from the Milwaukee based duo.

Things kicked off with "Electric Girl." The production is crazy on the intro track and carries throughout the project. Tracks like "I'm Horny," and "Perks" continue to build on the have fun and live life attitude of S.A.P.S.. After several plays of the album, I can tell you that The Cranberry Show definitely didn't go the safe route. This album is who they are.

The rhymes won't blow you away but you will laugh and enjoy their word play, sometimes making you rewind to catch a punch line again.

The album will definitely appeal to a younger audience but not all old heads will write it off. It's a fusion of fun tracks and high energy, with a comical approach. It's worth a listen.

I reached out to the duo for a Q&A. Buckle your seat belts because just like their album, they don't hold back with the interview. Enjoy!

Pic courtesy of David Szymanski
TMB: How long have ya'll been collectively been doing music? Both from Milwaukee?

Arcane: Yeah, we we're both born and raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin. We have been doing music together now for a good 2 years. It's been a wild ride.

Young Focus: Actually I'm not from this Mil-wau-kee you ask about. I'm from a small land inside of a woman called a Vaginero. See, many many moons ago there was a great war in the land of Testicalonia. It ended in a monumental race between the males and the females, though back then we were only pods with little tails attached. We bursted in and broke down the the walls of Vaginero. Then we raced to the safe egg in the realm of Ovareesha. Long story short I WAS THE WINNER.

TMB: How'd you explain your sound in five words or less?


YF: Rock, Rap and Pop orgy

TMB: What's the concept behind Sex and Pencil Shavings? I mean, the name is random, to me at least. How did you guys develop it?

A: Sex & Pencil Shavings is metaphor for the beginning and the end. See, the "SEX" brings life so that's the beginning. And the "PENCIL SHAVINGS" are the end because its what you leave behind as you get sharper from life grinding on you. What we truly believe is our music covers all basses, from the beginning, middle to the end. So the name was really fitting.

YF: Actually it came from a wild one night stand I had with a pencil sharpener. I know what your thinking... and the answer is yes, yes it was worth the hospital visit. Next question.

Pic courtesy of David Szymanski
TMB: Who are some of the people you worked with on your project?

YF: We actually only have two songs on our album with features. The first song on the album features the vocal stylings of a beautiful young lady by the name of Shylea Marie. She gets backed up on that same song by the very talented Jonathon Frost. And there is another song called "Rock The World" which contains vocals from a true music renaissance man by the name of Nov. But we worked really close with a producer by the name of 40-Mil, so he produced most tracks on the album.

TMB: What's the one track on S.A.P.S. that speaks to who you guys are as a group?

A: I think the one track that really speaks to us as a group is the last track on the album entitled "THAT MUZIK". It's a rebel, fuck the world, rowdy track that will give people an idea of our stage show because of the high energy.

YF: The song I would choose is "Im Horny." I dont think i really have to explain more than that

TMB: What's the one track on S.A.P.S. that speaks to who you guys are as individuals?

A: I feel like the track "PERKS" is the track that defines me the most. It's a super steezy and cocky track, but also just laid back.

YF: I'd have to say the song "Electric Girl." It's very eclectic and percise while paying great attention to detail.

TMB: What's your overall favorite track on S.A.P.S.?


YF: I would have to go with "Electric Girl"

TMB: Which track off of S.A.P.S. would be on the soundtrack of your life and why?


YF: Most definitely "Rock the World." I picked this one because it's all about taking charge of your own destiny and making the world pay attention to you.

Pic courtesy of David Szymanski
TMB: Where do you guys wanna see your music go?

A: OVER SEAS!!! It's already creating a buzz in places like the UK and Japan but that's not good enough. I want it to be like, we go over there and they have a hotel with Madonna half naked, crapes and those pretzel filled M&M's (but only the blue kind). We wanna be the best thing since slice bread internationally so we have A LOT of work to do.

YF: I just wanna see it in every porno featuring big girls with midget men.

TMB: What's next?

YF: The World Pinky (brain voice) No, really we have a tour in the works as well as a mixtape dropping on Thanksgiving day.

TMB: What's one thing you'd like people to take away from listening to S.A.P.S.?


YF: It's the herpes of the music world. Once you have it, it's a part of your life FOREVER!

<a href="">Moon Song by The Mad Bloggers</a>

The Cranberry Show Sex And Pencil Shavings is available on iTunes

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

What I'm Watching ... The Cranberry Show "Kick Push" freestyle

The Cranberry Show is dropping a project next week and I'm working on a feature with them as we speak. In the meantime, enjoy this freestyle over the Lupe Fiasco "Kick Push" beat.

Spotted this over at

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