Showing posts with label T. Hobbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label T. Hobbs. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2011

T. Hobbs "Dedication"

Back when O and I first started this blog, I depended a lot on music submissions for posts. I had always found things by poking around the net but submissions gave way to a lot of new music and filled a lot of space on the site in the early days. Now, two years later and most of the music comes through word of mouth. Whether it's the word of an artist whose music I respect or a fellow blogger whose taste in music I admire.

This T. Hobbs track hits TMB through our blogging-brother JCrillz over at HipHopIsCoolAgain. Crillz and I share a very similar taste in music and earlier today via twitter he sent me this track. Had he been a rapper who I didn't know I would have reported his ass as spam! Ha! But we often share good music among each other and other bloggers. So, I hit play and was immediately captivated by the LA by way of Queens, NY emcee, who just happens to be a female. I dig the Focus produced track. Enjoy. Chea!

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