Showing posts with label T-Pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label T-Pain. Show all posts

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Auto-Tune The News. Again.

Once again, The Gregory Brothers are back at it. This time, with a little help from T-Pain. It's pretty funny. Would it help the news ratings if they actually did it this way? What do you think?

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Sophia Fresh - "What It Is" ft Kanye West

Sophia Fresh (Crystal, Cole Rose & Skye), T-Pain's group, comes through with Yeezy as a feature on this track called "What It Is". Personally, it's ok. Not bad. I can throw back a few and bug out on the floor with a P.Y.T. if this came on. Check it out...

Sophia Fresh - What It Is ft Kanye West

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Sunday, June 07, 2009

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: Blame It On the Stupidity

T-Pain releases new track "Blame It On the Stupidity" featuring his "BIG ASS CHAIN"

Dear T-Pain,

You're an idiot. No, it’s not because of your excessive use of auto-tune. It’s because you felt the need to buy the dumbest piece of jewelry in the history of purchasing jewelry. This is your money, no doubt about that, so I'm not going to tell you how you should have spent it. However, I'm sure you could have thought of something else to spend it on, right homie? You know they saw your dumb ass from the door when you walked in, right? The sales man had you sized up and knew that you would bring in a hefty commission. I'd like to think that you didn't really spend $410k on the 10lb piece.

Just for the record, I'm not hating. You know why, because I'm not a hater, just a dude with an opinion and my opinion is that in addition to you being an idiot, you're ignorant and like my man @jcrillz (who is also a dope blogger) said on Twitter, "what's worse is it should actually say pendant, not chain. Ignorance abounds." Why? Because chain is the link you wear around your neck. This, my friend is a "BIG ASS CHARM". What you should have gotten is "BIG ASS IDIOT". Maybe even "BIG ASS FOOL" or "BIG ASS WASTE".

T-Pain, you're familiar with MC Hammer right? Are you trying to MC Hammer your money right now and throw it all down the drain? And then many years later you’ll have a “comeback” with a reality television show called Stripper Time? Oh, that’s cool, maybe you’re setting up for the future with that move. If this is the plan, that time in the middle is going to be rough though, ask Hammer.

Hey, I'm not saying you should consider yourself a role model but there are some kids that look up to your foolish ass. So, now in addition to thinking they could have a career with very little talent and use of technology, they may also be thinking about how great it would be to be able to blow $410k on a useless item.

I wonder what Suze Orman would say about your recent purchase in light of a recession. Personally, I think you should fire both your financial planner and business manager for allowing you to make such a foolish purchase, and smack yourself (really hard).

You're a fool!

PS: If it’s fake and this is just a stunt, I still think you're an idiot! By the way, how do you feel about that Death of Auto-Tune track?

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: Don't Support Ignorant Ish

That Hurricane Chris "Halle Berry" is another instructional dance piece of garbage from a ring-tone-personal-trainer-rapper.

As a matter of fact, allow me to put all ring-tone-personal-trainer rappers on notice (yeah, this includes you Soulja Boy). Stop making shit and take pride in your craft. Folks have made the argument that this type of music is entertaining and for teens (yet I see adults blasting it on a regular basis). I’m still trying to figure out who approved the Stanky Leg.

Sure, make music for the teens but does it 1) have to sound like this 2) always include some horrible dance? Can’t we give our youth a little more? Yes, I know most heads like a catchy hook and a beat you can rock to, but those things don’t need to come without creativity and talent. Hey, let’s just do it this way… let’s stop calling these cats rappers and they should never be included in a sentence with the words “hip-hop”, unless you are saying that it’s the direct opposite. Give them their own category and perhaps then I won’t say anything (can’t promise though).

“Download”, the newest from Lil Kim featuring T-Pain and Charlie Wilson is yet another example of why you shouldn't make a track about social networking. "...He wanna download me on his floppy disk"? Hmm, it's like this track was released a decade too late. Uh, hey Kim they invented flash drives while you were locked up. Good to know that Lil Kim is up on her google, MySpace and Facebook-ing. By the way with all due respect, Lil Kim is like five plastic surgeries past pretty © @OCSupreme. Please don’t download this garbage.

This week Ciara put out an album circa 1986-1992 Janet Jackson. She's decided to re-hit the scene with a look like Beyonce and a sound like Janet Jackson. I suppose originality is out in 2009. I’m wrong? You might want to re-listen to that “Love, sex, and magic”, as an example of what I’m saying. Perhaps she should have a wardrobe malfunction and it might push more albums.

Speaking of wardrobe malfunctions, on Thursday morning pictures of Cassie breasts surfaced on the Internet (yeah, I looked). According to Cassie, "IT SEEMS THAT SOMEONE HAS HACKED INTO MY COMPUTER...THAT'S REAL FOUL AND EVIL. NOW STOP ACTING LIKE YOU HAVEN'T SEEN A TITTY BEFORE." Hacked her computer? What happened, she get hit with that conficker? Guess she wasn’t on a mac.

The truth is that we’ve seen many a celebrity nude before. Funny how celebrities never know how nude pictures and sex videos hit the surface, but boy do they seem to benefit from the extra publicity. With all due respect, publicity is a bitch and it seems like Cassie is all about it. Crazy haircut, check. Expose breast, check. Guess the home sex vid is next.

I think this was the internal convo… Cassie: How do I take the focus off Ciara's album? Answer: Email pics of breast from an anonymous source. Score: Cassie 1, Ciara 0.

We're losing thousands of jobs daily and what pops up on television? New York Goes to Work. They should have shelved this project indefinitely. Thanks again Vh1, you sure know how to churn out the winners. Viewers tune in weekly to see what type of job New York will do, and if she's successful with the gig she receives $10k. Talk about work grossly overpriced. Damn, she must have landed a gig at AIG with a bonus like that.

As music producer Nicolay put it on Twitter, "Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie did that shit eons ago and THAT already wasn't funny" (Damn, do you remember that show?) So, not only does Vh1 put on trash, they recycle. Good to know that they are running a green network.

Yeah I tuned in to bits and pieces of the first show (always looking for good blog material). The premier put New York in a position as an exterminator. Yes, definitely a tough gig for sure and not for everyone but in my opinion she failed overall at the task, yet they gave her the $10k anyway. Garbage! And to add insult to injury, if you want to vote on which job she'll do on each episode you can text in and cough over a $1 per text message. Pass.

Dear Networks: Don't report anymore about Bristol Palin or Levi. She’s not the only single moms out there w/ a baby daddy. And he damn sure ain’t the only dude with a little baby mama drama (raising my hand). They don’t need to be the spokesperson for shit and definitely not abstinence.

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