Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Support. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Support Melissa Czarnik's next Album "Non Merci"


I have long been a fan of Melissa Czarnik. And for a while now, a friend of the Milwaukee emcee/poet. In the world of the Internets and just online communications, Melissa is one of those rare folks that I know off line. She's a great person too. We had a discussion last year about the possibility of an artist residency. I'm happy that panned out for her. Now she's asking for your support to help make her next album, Non Merci, while in France. It's a huge opportunity for her to focus solely on the creation of new music. I believe in supporting good people. So, support if you can too. And with that, I'll let her take it from here.
I wanted to let you know about this crowd funding campaign to help make my next album, Non Merci in France. Yes, France!  I have been accepted into an artist residency at the Camac Centre D'Art in Marnay-sur-Seine (about an hour from Paris).  With help from individuals like you I'll have the opportunity to spend two months (April & May) at the residency focusing solely on creation.  As an artist, this is the kind of thing one only dreams about! And here we are!

Each level of support ranging from $10-$500 will guarantee a pre-release copy of the album (for you), due to be released summer 2012!  Plus, you can go to sleep at night knowing that you made a friend, fellow woman, artist, AmeriCorps Alumna and poet's dream come true!

Contribute today (click here) 

1/31: WUWM 89.7FM Lake Effect Taping - Talking about Non Merci, (Air Date TBA)  FREE
2/15: 116, 116 MacDougal Street, New York City - Inspired Word, 7pm $10
2/23: WMSE 91.7FM The Girlina Show - Interview with Dori Zori (Talking about Non Merci), 1pm FREE
3/14: UW-Milwaukee Union - Lyrical Sanctuary, 8pm FREE
3/24: Art Bar, 722 E. Burleigh Street, Milwaukee - Beat Music Series, 9pm FREE

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Let's Support @Aaron_Marcellus on American Idol

Atlanta's own 26 year old Aaron Marcellus tried out for American Idol and has made it through the first few rounds. What we need The Mad Bloggers' supporters help with is getting him more airtime. As you will see, Aaron has a beautiful voice that should be heard by everyone within reach. If you recall, I did a post about Aaron Marcellus & The Will Band and had the pleasure of introducing our supporters to this awesome duo. Now you can see Aaron on TV!

I haven't watched American Idol in years, but it seems NOW with the episodes that I have watched, they've got some real talent this season. I personally, will be watching and supporting AI this year because a friend of mine is competing for one of the most coveted spots on prime time television. So we need EVERY supporter to show the love! If you want to know more about Aaron, "like" his fan page on Facebook. Retweet this post and bomb Twitter. Y'all know what Twitter can do!

Please support our brother in music and watch American Idol this year. Witness Aaron grow as a phenomenal artist! Thanks so much guys and enjoy the performance!

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