Guerilla Union… You are my HEROES!
I am Rock the Bells Junkie. I’ve been to every show, even in the rain. Last year I was there with precious cargo in tow. Rock the Bells is a day long festival for music lovers like myself and many of you. This year, the show is taking it back to when Hip Hop was just that. If you have never been to a Rock the Bells show, you need to get up, get out and get there this year. The Rock The Bells Tour line-up is takin’ it back to Old School. On the bill are legendary Hip-Hop artists performing their legendary albums… Yes you heard correctly.
This Classic show will have Wu-Tang Clan performing tracks from “Enter the Wu-Tang”, Eric B and Rakim doing “Paid In Full”, Boogie Down Productions doing “Criminal Minded”, Slick Rick will be doing “The Adventures of Slick Rick” and I am sure the bill will grow as the dates of the performance gets closer. There’s no gum drop and lollipop Hip-Hop here folks. I have attended many a show and this by far may be the best one.

I am a little disappointed that there aren’t any women on the line-up. I am sure there are some classic females they could add to the bill. Monie Love, MC Lyte, Queen Latifah… Aww hell even Salt N Pepa. But females haven’t been on the tour. Jasmine Solano broke that ice last year with her debut Rock the Bells appearance as the “First Lady Rockin’ the Bells”. Hopefully this year, they will give her a slot to shine. Since she is on tour with Wiz Kalifa right now, and Wiz is on the bill too, I am hoping the Union steps up and offers her a slot. *Okay Guerilla Union, I’ll wait for a response…*

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