Showing posts with label Sister Act 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sister Act 2. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Battle of The Voices

Listening to my Zen on random is a beautiful thing when you have 7000+ songs in it. That's exactly what I was doing and that's exactly what it was when out of nowhere, it lands on a Lauryn Hill song titled "To Zion". Got me thinking about how much I missed her voice, her videos, her impact to the game of R&B and Hip Hop music. She was a very talented and uniquely amazing individual that comes once in a blue moon. A rare voice that can penetrate the soul of millions of listeners.

I can remember the first time I ever heard and saw Ms. Lauryn Hill when she was still Ms. before she became Mrs. Lauryn Hill-Marley. I was watching Sister Act 2 and there she was on a piano with another singer practicing off somewhere apart from the group. She didn't start singing until after her friend had trouble with a part. So she ask Lauryn, "Rita" in the movie, to join in to help. That moment there gave me goosebumps as soon as I heard the first 5 seconds. "I sing because I'm happy." And so I listen because you make me happy. Amazing, amazing, amazing. Check it out.

'To Zion' by Ms. Hill got me to thinking, I wonder who people would choose if they had to in a Battle of The Voices between Lauryn Hill and Beyoncé Knowles. I'm only asking about their vocal talent. Not about the overall package. If it came down to singing ability, plain and simple. Who can sing better?

You can go by Grammy's if you'd like. Beyoncé has 7 as a solo artist, 10 total. Lauryn has 5 as a solo artist and 8 total. You can argue the amount of years, albums and collaborations it took to win those Grammys, but my question was purely looking for people's opinions about their voice and nothing else. Here's the answers I received.

@thaLadyBlogga no question. Lauryn Hill. She wasn't running around in a leotard and heels but she could lay a track lyrically and vocally.

@djkoast just straight singing? B. But Lauryn has her beat with lyrics 20 fold.

@clarity4kia Lauryn. She made you feel. Beyoncé has gorgeous voice, but there is no depth to her songs or her interpretations.

@Karlnova Lauryn Hill's voice has more soul and she's more vulnerable in her singing. You can feel her. Beyoncé is strong but guarded

@CUTE_NESS Lauryn Hill hands down. Even on her live album when her voice is breaking she sounds amazing.

@CUTE_NESS Lauryn Hill also because of content. She has something to say and she says it beautifully..

@42TheGreat Lauryn Hill, hands down. She delivers her message with more sincerity, while I believe B knows her ish is mainly for the club.

@fancyxpaants no doubt Lauryn will make a grown man cry .. but vocally Beyoncé has more range.. =/

@ThroatChopU Lauryn! Beyoncé got a look, a sound and an audience. Lauryn has the same but is more genuine tho!

@BORNININIQUITY Lauryn, hands DOWN! and I'm a Bey fan..

@blunted215 Lauryn Hill, hands down.

@ReadBeanpie Vocals Lauryn. Beyoncé has 1 sound. L-Boogie has range!

@DontBeASkeptik Lauryn had more emotion in her voice than bey ever can

@BelascoBlack Beyoncé sound like she devoted her whole life developing her voice. Hill sounds like she had her skill down from jump.

@BelascoBlack Beyoncé = polished. Lauryn Hill = effortless.

@fiveeightyseven RT @BelascoBlack Beyoncé = polished. Lauryn Hill = effortless. <---- I agree. My vote goes to Lauryn hill.

@MellyMelss Lauryn Hill... Damn it now I'm gonna listen to her "The Miseducation...". "Loving you is like a battle and we both end up wit scars."

@Da_Bean_Counter Lauryn Hill... HANDS DOWN!!!

@_peech: I'd say Lauryn Hill - she's flexible in the sound she brings. Beyoncé can do a lot of runs but at this point, who can't?

This can go all day with opinions going back and forth for so many reasons. I thought it was a good debate to start and a good challenge considering both parties involved are vocally incredible singers. Completely jaw-dropping talent.

So, what are you thoughts, reasons, choice as to who's your winner in this Battle of The Voices?

P.S. We miss you, Lauryn.

Talib Kweli - Ms. Hill

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