Showing posts with label Seme Rock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seme Rock. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Download: CenTinels - "In No Uncertain Terms"

Check out the latest from a couple of emcees that joined forces to form their duo called CenTinels in this refreshingly semi-throwback sounding album full of dope Hip-Hop elements. With a couple of features in 5:am, Seme Rock with the beatboxing, and DJ Mo Niklz on the cuts, Expertiz and Cre808 deliver such a fun to love and easy to put on repeat type of project that you have no choice but to support. The album is a "name your price" but I urge you to throw a couple of duckets their way for helping bring you some of that Hip-Hop you may have been missing. Check it out.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Journey to Hip-Hop ... Connecticut: Sketch Tha Cataclysm - "Virginia Slim featuring Seme Rock"

Here's another Waterbury, CT native and Antfarm Affiliate that's been holding it down for Hip-Hop from here in Connecticut to brief stints in Minnesota and elsewhere. Sketch Tha Cataclysm is a talented MC. Separates himself from a lot of other artists I know musically and taught himself a lot of ins and outs in recording and mixing throughout the years, from what he's told me in conversations. Definitely a motivated go-getter. Guy doesn't sit still. Don't believe me? Check the shows he performs in. You will most likely catch him without his shoes, a staple of his. Very energetic dude. Haha. Anyways, check out this track he hooked me up with for the "Journey" featuring a vocally gifted beat boxer by the name of Seme Rock.

This joint is going to be on the compilation "The Set Off" my boy Botzy out of Minneapolis is putting out. It features production from me, old school panning and Seme Rock on the vocal cuts.


Sketch Tha Cataclysm - "Virginia Slim featuring Seme Rock"

Sketch's Website
Sketch's MySpace
Sketch's Facebook

Seme Rock's Website
Seme Rock's MySpace

Follow The Journey To Hip-Hop in Connecticut ... Here

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