Showing posts with label Reason the Citizen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reason the Citizen. Show all posts

Friday, April 08, 2011

What I'm Watching (4/8/11): Mazzi & S.O.U.L. Purpose, STS, SonReal and Dana Coppafeel & Reason

I usually posts these on Tuesdays and Thursdays but sometimes life happens and so here we are on a Friday morning and I'm sharing a few fresh videos with you that I've bumped into on the Internets or caught via email. You don't mind, do you? Nope. Ha!

This Friday morning I have four fresh videos from Mazzi & S.O.U.L. Purpose, STS, SonReal and Dana Coppafeel & Reason. Not only are they fresh videos but all four are dope tracks too. Sit back and take in what television is missing after the jump. Chea!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What I Downloaded

I'd consider myself eclectic when it comes to music. Here are a few heads that are providing free downloads of their music for you to check out. A little different (different is always a good thing) and definitely dope!

Music Playlist at

Reason the Citizen, Survival Plus: Reason, an emcee out of California is pushing out his slightly older mixtape as a re-released free download. The download comes ahead of a new full-length project, “Broke For Free”, dropping later this year on Fameless Entertainment.

Download Survival Plus

Music Playlist at

Background Noise Crew, Sampler Vol. 1: The Background Noise crew reached out to us with this free sampler. The crew out of Minnesota, describes their sound as, “pretty different since we all got a bit of diversity in the crew. When we form together, you'd be hard pressed to say we sound the same when together cause we all bring different styles to the pot,” said Egypto Knuckles, part of the Background Noise Crew. Other members include: ToneKrusher Smith, Analyrical, Status Reign, Phingaz and T.Q.D.

Download Sampler Vol. 1

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