Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Random. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Writer's Guild (Mr. Miranda, MC Pennywise, RoQy TyRaiD, Random) - "Armed"

Arizona's Avengers on the mic? Fantastic Four? Fearsome Foursome? Either way, these cats go off on this track produced by Lifted of G.O.O.D Music/The New FOs. For a good 5 minutes, they attack the mic with a focused intensity that results in a work of wonder for "Armed". Hear for yourself.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Check It ... Savant, Visions Of the Sun, Mr. Miranda, Random & Medaforacle - "State Bar AZ Cypher" (prod. by Marvel76)

Savant is back with his Crash Course project with check point 6 and yet another pretty dope track presented by Donuts and Milk. I got to personally meet Savant when his tour made a stop in my state and put on a good performance in person. He's a good dude and a better MC. Check out his latest and make sure you click the link to play catch up on the course.

Check point 6 of 2011... #CrashCourse 9. Fresh off of the Abstract Music Group's Spring Tour 2011 of the United States' northeastern region, AMG's Savant (aka Stanstro) links with Donuts & Milk to bring you the latest addition to his Crash Course Leak Series, the 7 emcee posse cut "State Bar AZ Cypher". Laced, scratched and cut by Visions Of the Sun beatsmith Marvel76, and featuring bars from Visions Of the Sun emcees (Hexsagon, Fred Free & Casto), Random (aka MegaRan), Mr. Miranda and Medaforacle, the jawn serves as the definitive answer to the question: "What's Arizona's hip hop scene like"?

Song Title: State Bar AZ, Cypher

Stream and download the "Crash Course Leak Series" in its entirety HERE:

Savant aka Stanstro
State Bar AZ Cypher (prod. by Marvel76) by Savant aka Stanstro

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Don't Free Criminals, Especially Rappers" (TMB T-Shirt)

OC and I love t-shirts. If you aren't aware we have a little shop online selling a few different The Mad Bloggers t-shirts. They're affordable and come in both men and women sizes. We have a new t-shirt that we've added to our collection. We call it the anti free rapper t-shirt. Where did the idea come from? Well, folks are always running around sporting those dumb ass t-shirts saying "FREE [INSERT JAILED RAPPER'S NAME HERE]" right after their favorite rapper does something stupid to get arrested. Those t-shirts make no sense. So, we decided to create this t-shirt. We hope you dig it. Check out this shirt and others at our store online at

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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Battle of The Beatmakers 2010, Toronto

The homie Chedo over at hit us with footage from this years Battle of The Beatmakers up in Toronto. Check it out.
I’ve emceed at a Producer Showcase before so naturally I couldn’t wait to attend the Battle of The Beatmakers in Toronto. With talent like Big Pops, 808 Gang, Burd & Keyz, Neenah, Vokab, and so much more I was very excited to see who would win.

Congratulations to Neenah who is the FIRST female producer to win Battle of The Beatmakers 2010. Check out the video as I ask her how she felt to win the title and I also had the chance to interview grammy nominated Boi-1da who was one of the guest judges.

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vote TMB for Best Hip-Hop Blog!

Yeah, so voting ends tonight (midnight) for the Black Weblog Awards! If you dig what we do, then it's time to support the movement AND vote for The Mad Bloggers in the Best Hip-Hop Blog category!

Voting is easy, go here ---> VOTE

We appreciate your support.

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

What The Eff is Shyne and 50 Cent Talking About Anyway? (video)

I don't normally post this shit but it's funny.

Shyne and 50 still beefing? About what? FOH with the rap beef. Truth be told, rap beef is fake. Fake, fake, fake. It's cooked up in boardrooms by record execs and scripted like a reality show. Seriously.

Shyne lives on an Island and 50 is doing movies. Neither one of these dudes are doing anything Hip-Hop should really be concerned about right now. Oh and the counting money thing 50, that shit was lame. Oh well, check out the 50 video and then Shyne's response. I'll say this about the videos, they both have some funny quotables.

“You’re on a fucking island. You can’t go to war from a fucking island.”

"I didn’t know he was so desperate. He’s gone from confidential informant, witness-protection program dude, getting order [of protection] on muthaf—as. Now he’s a stalker. I was in shock. He called up saying he was ‘Jamal from Harlem.’ He didn’t call up saying he’s Curtis Jackson, Hawaii 5-0. He’s a busta. I can’t believe it.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Go Ahead and Charge this to the Game!

Editor's Note: I wrote this back in February. Someone said "charge it to the game" a few days ago and reminded me of this. I felt the need to repost. Enjoy.

There I was standing in an aisle at the grocery store trying to figure out which vanilla extract to get (sidebar: yeah, don’t get the imitation or your ass might be going back to the store).

Then the guy next to me said, “damn, prices keep going up.”

I nodded my head in agreement and offered, “yeah, it’s crazy.”

He replied with, “I guess you have to do what you gotta do *sigh* I’ll just get this and go ahead and charge it to the Game.”

He walked away and I stood there puzzled. His last statement made me wonder, who was he and what gave him the authority to charge some piecrust to the Game?

As a matter of fact, who the eff is the “Game” and why are so many people charging things to it?

I know it’s not Game the rapper.

As my mind wandered, I wondered many other things about this mysterious Game. How good is the Game’s credit? What type of credit limit does the Game have? Who the hell pays the Game’s balance due? And how the hell do you get the authority to charge things to it? Is there a credit check? Probably not, because waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many black folks charge things to the Game and you know their credit scores are (insert the rest of stereotype here). Perhaps the Game offers those pre-paid Rush Card that you deposit money into (or street cred or some other form of currency). I don't know.

Well, according to Urban Dictionary, “Charge it to the Game” is a phrase that means: “a life learned lesson; an expression used by a person when that person does not feel accountable for a certain chain of events or there is nothing one can do about a certain situation; When something doesn't go the way you want it to or you do something wrong, and there is nothing you can do to change it.”

But what does Urban Dictionary really know.

You know with everyone over charging things to the Game, I’m surprised Obama hasn’t dug into his Negro dialect bag of tricks and said, “Damn, this deficit is kicking our ass. Biden, go ahead and charge this to the Game!” Or maybe he has. Or maybe Biden has. Yeah, Biden probably has.

"Mr. President, the Game is a big fucking deal!"

Yeah, I can see that.

You know what? I’m going to start abusing my charging power to the Game too.

I’m going out Saturday night, buying out the bar and when the tab comes, I’m charging it to the Game. And when I go to jail for that shit, I’m charging my bail to the Game too. And my defense attorney, he’ll be charged to the Game as well. It will be one hell of a Game charging frenzy. I might even charge a nice suit to wear to court to the Game.

Sometimes I do feel bad for the Game though. Why? Because the Game is probably some old white man with an AMEX Black Card pissed with all this identity fraud. He’s probably looking at his card statement right now like, “who the hell charged getting caught cheating on my card?! Dfasdfkdaflekasfdhek.”

Or perhaps the Game isn’t a person at all but yet another overused bit of language corrupted by its mainstream use, causing it to have lost its initial meaning.

Nah, that can’t be it.

Either way, go ahead and charge this post to the Game and throw in a charge for yourself too and get something nice.

PS: if you didn’t sense the sarcasm, throat chop yourself for good measure. Thanks, Management

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What I'm Watching ... #ShawtBusShawty

What's funny is this is how I hear all of them normally. Hahaha!

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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gotta Love New York & Knitted Bike Covers

New York is a funny place. Between the dude on the subway telling his girlfriend when they got home he was going to watch Twilight Zone, eat cashews and maybe masturbate to the lonely girl eating pizza in a corner to the other girl who stumbled out of the subway eating a double cheeseburger, the night was hilarious. Perhaps the funniest, this picture. Tell me NOW please lawd who knits a bike cover? Please, anyone. This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen and at 3:30 in the morning with a gang of drinks running through my system, it was even funnier. Gotta love New York.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Meet & Greet with Ma Dukes

Meet & Greet at Fat Beats NY with Maureen "Ma Dukes" Yancey (mother of the late J. Dilla), Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 6pm.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Beanpie Behind the Scenes

Our north of the border homie Shaun has been putting in major work on his comic book Beanpie. He's doing big things. Check out a behind the scenes look at how it all started.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Good Read ... "Why Popular Bloggers Are Bad for Hip-Hop"

I caught this joint on O's FB page. It's a thought-provoking read. Potholes is one of my favorite blogs. I dig what they do. No shots but most of what is written in this piece needed to be said (and said again). It's a conversation about popular blogging that O and I have had for a while. We do this blogging shit because we love it. Everything we post on The Mad Bloggers is music we enjoy. It's music in rotation in our cars, on our MP3 players. If we don't enjoy it, we're clowning it. If we're not clowning it, we're asking for a second opinion. Regardless, we CONTROL our content. Labels DON'T control our content. Advertisers DON'T control our content. We control it. I'm not posting music because the people want it. I'm posting it because the people need it. There's a few pieces of this editorial I would have changed and some other places I would have dug a little deeper on but overall, it's a good read. Check it.
There’s a prevalent idea that bloggers are supposed to be the pulse of the culture, with a craft dedicated to being early up on new goodness, and I’ll briefly concede so as to admit 2DopeBoyz has hit the mark a few times and served to help the careers of a few underdogs I’m a fan of. However, these charitable acts and attempts to fight the righteous battle are diluted and rendered nearly futile as Meka and Shake take ten steps back by giving a run to wack degenerative MCs with strong followership to ensure people keep coming back to their site.


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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Kia presents: A new way to roll 2010.

Yeah, Kias still suck but it's good to know hamsters love good Hip-Hop.

Link via @MsUndrTkr

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