I got info that a pastor in Phoenix, Arizona is preaching and praying for President Barack Obama's death. I'm in absolute shock yet not surprised by some rare few people in this country.
Here's the story via www.myfoxphoenix.com:
Pastor's Obama Rants
Protesters counter parishioners at
Sunday service
Updated: Sunday, 30 Aug 2009, 10:34 PM MDT
Published : Sunday, 30 Aug 2009, 6:43 PM MDT
TEMPE, Ariz. - The sermons at this east valley church are stirring controversy and for some, causing alarm. Pastor Steven Anderson says he's a man of God, but some are horrified at what he's preaching.
Anderson is standing by his controversial sermon, entitled "Why I Hate Barack Obama." Video of the sermon has hit YouTube, and he's taped explaining why he hates the President and praying for his death.
Sunday at church, Anderson told FOX 10, "I hope that God strikes Barack Obama with brain cancer so he can die like Ted Kennedy and I hope it happens today."
Anderson is continuing to encourage his parishioners to pray for the president's death, but says he doesn't condone killing.
"I will not take the law into my own hands. I will not take up any arms. It's a spiritual battle, spiritual warfare."
Sunday, about 30 parishioners of the Faithful Word Baptist Church were met by a handful of protesters.
"A pastor, a man of the cloth, doesn't condone assassinating people. He's not a pastor, he's a pas-turd," said protester Bill Demski. Some of the protesters tried to go into the church, but were denied.
"I find it incomprehensible that someone can say they believe in the message of Jesus and preach hate," added protester James Jones.
Tempe Police patrolled the area to make sure tempers didn't get out of hand, while many parishioners walked into the church carrying guns on their hips.
One of them was Christopher Broughton, who got national attention when he brought an AR-15 assault rifle to an Aug. 17 rally outside the Phoenix Convention Center where President Obama was addressing veterans.
We asked him if he wanted to clarify what the impact of Pastor Anderson's sermon was on his decision to bring a gun to the rally, but he had no response.
Anderson says his sermon about wanting Obama to die was not meant to rile people up. "If anything, I was talking him down," he said, "Not riling him up."
Pastor Anderson says his hatred of Obama and former president Bush stems from his views on abortion and the Iraq War.
"Look up the word hate. Look up the word abhor, the word loathe. You'll see there are a lot of people that God hates, and so we should hate. But see, I didn't write that, that's in the Bible."
The pastor says that since his sermon on Obama was posted on YouTube, he and his family have received death threats.
"If people want to wish deaths on me I don't have a problem with that. But when people say, 'I'm coming to kill you and your family within the next 36 hours,' that's different than them hoping or wishing something in their mind," said Anderson.
The White House had no comment.
What are your thoughts on this?
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Showing posts with label President Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Barack Obama. Show all posts
Monday, September 07, 2009
Friday, September 04, 2009
Damn, can the President speak to the kids?

Some folks really over analyze the First Family in a way that's semi annoying. It is what it is, I suppose. Michelle wears shorts on vacation and Obama takes off his jacket in the Oval Office and the response is, I dare they ruin the establishment of the American President (they're black folks and they like to be comfortable, damn). But jumping on the President over wanting to address school children? Come on now!
I rarely talk about politics outside of with folks I know (and I'm not really talking about it now either) but something needed to be said about this uproar over President Obama intended speech to school children. It's being reported that next Tuesday the President will do a public address to school children, in what the White House is calling a "welcome back to school speech". Politics aside, I'd support any President with this type of speech. To me, it should have nothing to do with politics. But, some parents (mostly conservative) are demanding to know what the President will say before he says it. Really? Apparently they don't trust that his message to school children will not be a political one, and will somehow sway their children to his socialist and evil world. They also want the option to hold their children out of school while the President speaks. Really? Some school districts are also against showing the broadcast. Are these the same school districts that aren't for observing Martin Luther King's holiday either?
If you really feel this way, throat chop yourself immediately with the sharpest hand you can find (please also repeat this upwards of thirty times).
I love how a "study hard, stay in school and set goals" speech is politicized in such a way. I'm dumbfounded by the ignorance that believes that Tuesday's speech is an attempt to push propaganda and "to spread President Obama's socialist ideology." Weird, I forgot that study hard, stay in school and set goals are the staples of socialism. If you're demanding as a parent to see the President's speech prior to his Tuesday address, you need to also demand to see some of the lyrics to half of the music your kids listen to.
I went over and over with myself, what are the five things parents fear most that President Obama will say to their children in his speech on Tuesday. Here is what I came up with:
1. "Do you like healthcare? Me too. Yeah, getting sicky is never a good thing, huh? It makes you feel all yucky and you can't play your favorite video games. Well, some people want to take your healthcare from you or don't want to give it to you at all. If you don't like getting sick and you love playing video games, tell mommy and daddy to support my healthcare plan."
2. "Heil Hitler!"
3. "When you grow up, don't set goals ... smoke crack like Frankie and you can get a television show too."
4. "Tell the conservatives to stop hating on me. Can I be great?!"
5. "We all have the right to bare arms like Michelle. Every Tuesday and Thursday will be sleeveless day in America. And shorts year round."
Foolish for me to think that the President could be a viable role model for school children and deliver a message of staying in school and setting goals. Foolish for me to think that the President has the right to welcome school children back to school with what many believe will be an inspirational speech. Have you seen the drop out rates? They're staggering. Do you know how we rank in education among developed countries? This statistic is also staggering.
This is also not the first time that a sitting President has spoken to school children. President Reagan spoke to high school students in a televised speech. In '91, President George H.W. Bush spoke to students too, telling them to stay away from drugs.
This is the President of the United States. Have some respect!
Real talk, I believe that this uproar over the President addressing school kids is part politics (too much in fact) and part racism (black man speaking to my kids, uh no!) but no doubt that the whole thing is stupid. Some folks really need to rehearse (and think) some of the things they say before they say it because a lot of folks sound really ignorant right now in regards to the President speaking to school children on Tuesday. Damn, can he speak to the kids?
What are your thoughts?
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Thursday, August 06, 2009
What's the Message?

I'm speechless. I know Presidents get it but to liken President Obama, who has only been in office for 200 days, to one of the most evil fictional villains ... hmm. Apparently these posters popped up all over Los Angeles and have spread virally over the internet. Racist? I'm not sure. Mean spirited, definitely. Bad taste, most likely. What are your thoughts?
Heath Ledger,
President Barack Obama,
The Mad Bloggers
Friday, July 24, 2009
Old Dave Chappelle Clip Speaks Truth to Henry Louis Gates Incident

I was sitting around talking about the madness of the Henry Louis Gates incident. She immediately brought up this Dave Chappelle stand-up. It's right on point! While this is an older clip from Dave Chappelle (comic genius) it's so relevant right now as it pertains to this Henry Louis Gates incident. Really, really relevant!
As if the madness of the arrest wasn't enough, now the president of the city's police union is demanding that President Obama apologize to members of the Cambridge Police Department. GTFOH! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The President called them out and now he's wrong? Nah, a lot of folks in America feel the same way. Cambridge Police, you were WRONG!
Cops make cops look bad. It's a damn shame!
Anyway, this video clip is sooooooo relevant! Enjoy!
Cambridge Police,
Dave Chappelle,
Henry Louis Gates,
President Barack Obama,
The Mad Bloggers
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pres Obama on Henry Louis Gates Arrest ...

The entire situation with Henry Louis Gates and the Cambridge Police is absolutely ridiculous! You break into your own home and then get arrested for disorderly conduct? Really?! How many folks have forgotten their keys or misplaced them and then had to break into the house? Yeah, I would imagine a lot of us. The President definitely drops knowledge on race relations in America. Even as the first black President, he knows that race issues are far from over.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Politics With Tha Lady Blogga: The Bronx is in the HOUSE!!!!! (Literally)

So I am listening to President Obama talk about Sonia Sotomayor (a name with such a ring to it), the Supreme Court nominee and I am grinning from ear to ear. He is talking about “Cardinal Spellman” and “the Bronx”…
We thought we made strides with electing an African American President but a Hispanic woman from the Bronx to serve on the Supreme Court??? No me digas…
For those of you who are unaware of who she is, Sonia Sotomayor started as the Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan and she blossomed from there. As the Presidents changed, she remained a fixture in the court systems. From Princeton, Yale, Manhattan Federal Court, and Appeals Court, she paved her way to the White House. And even though her road to appointment will not be easy, I am sure she will be a shoe-in.
Sotomayor remained active in her community as well. She is a hard-core Yankees fan and continues to keep up with what’s going on in the Bronx. I had the pleasure of hearing her speak at a Conference a few years ago and I was blown away. Her focus and message of motivation for young people was inspiring, even for me. She reminded the audience that it is not where you are from but where you want to be. Being a young girl from a Bronx Housing Project now being appointed in the White House, she speaks the truth.
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
No One Has Swagga Like ...
Are we really having this conversation? Seriously?! I wonder what this meeting looked like when they said they were going to include this segment. Had to be an awkward moment. Then they looked at the black guy in the room and probably said, "you got this right."
No doubt the President is a cool dude. Sure he chills on the sideline at a basketball game, tells jokes and appears on ESPN to go over his NCAA Tournament bracket and even talks about putting a court on the grounds of the White House. Yes, the President always appears cool, calm and collected. He's got that chill walk and is confident but do we need to use the term "Swagga" to describe it? And if we do, does a black guy have to intro the piece for CNN or be the resident expert on the term? And furthermore does the song "Swagga Like Us" need to be playing in the background. Pretty funny moment for CNN in my opinion. Talk about a news segment that went wrong.
No doubt the President is a cool dude. Sure he chills on the sideline at a basketball game, tells jokes and appears on ESPN to go over his NCAA Tournament bracket and even talks about putting a court on the grounds of the White House. Yes, the President always appears cool, calm and collected. He's got that chill walk and is confident but do we need to use the term "Swagga" to describe it? And if we do, does a black guy have to intro the piece for CNN or be the resident expert on the term? And furthermore does the song "Swagga Like Us" need to be playing in the background. Pretty funny moment for CNN in my opinion. Talk about a news segment that went wrong.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
TELL 'EM WHY YOU MAD: We're not deadbeats
Social networking is a cool medium to communicate. We connect with old friends and make new ones through MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. We follow updates, picture posts and enjoy link sharing. What I dig the most is when someone has a status message on Facebook that creates an overwhelming response from friends checking out the status. A friend of mine Damian, who is a father, updated his status on Facebook earlier with one of the realest things I've read in a while. As a father myself, I understood the dilemma.
With his permission, here's a glimpse...
FB Status: so I was in the Mall earlier with my son strolling him around and this older cat walks by me and says, "You're doing a good job young man". I said thank you, but I was a little frustrated. I wanted to tell him, "Thanks, but I'm doing what is supposed to be done, I'm supposed to take care of my child". Brothers need to get it together..
Comment 1: is that a true story??
Status addition: its crazy cause women were looking at me as if they saw a celebrity...there were alot of smiles, head nods and all type of displays of approval..I felt like Marvin Gaye, waiting for the panties to get thrown at a negro!
Comment 2: U keep doin ur thing!!!! From what I see ur doin a hell of alot more then70% of the dad out here!!!!! Kids#1
Comment 3: If only there were more men like u u shouldn't be commended but u are u are truly a man
Comment 4: Ur right on !!! Ur doing what your suppose to do! Its not an option a real father is going to be there and raise his child ( I was about to preach whew) But keep doing you and raise your son he is a beautiful lil man ;)
Status addition: the new trend now is DEADBEAT MOTHERS....
I joined the conversation with: I like your style. Heads act like we aren't here. What's that Chris Rock joke talking about how heads are always looking for credit for things they're suppose to be doing... Good fathers are here.
Why is it so hard to believe that fathers, minority ones in general, actually take care of their kids? When I came up, my father wasn't around but my grandfather and step father provided good examples and it's very important for me to remain in my children lives.
President Obama, while campaigning gave a speech last year on Father's day that touched on fathers in families today.
"Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it.
But if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing - missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it."
I think that there are a lot of guys before and definitely after this call to action that are stepping up to the plate to take care of their children. We're here. There's a lot of us that are here for our children both financially and emotionally. There definitely need to be more manning up to the responsibility, but don't play the dudes that are here and have been here.
With his permission, here's a glimpse...
FB Status: so I was in the Mall earlier with my son strolling him around and this older cat walks by me and says, "You're doing a good job young man". I said thank you, but I was a little frustrated. I wanted to tell him, "Thanks, but I'm doing what is supposed to be done, I'm supposed to take care of my child". Brothers need to get it together..
Comment 1: is that a true story??
Status addition: its crazy cause women were looking at me as if they saw a celebrity...there were alot of smiles, head nods and all type of displays of approval..I felt like Marvin Gaye, waiting for the panties to get thrown at a negro!
Comment 2: U keep doin ur thing!!!! From what I see ur doin a hell of alot more then70% of the dad out here!!!!! Kids#1
Comment 3: If only there were more men like u u shouldn't be commended but u are u are truly a man
Comment 4: Ur right on !!! Ur doing what your suppose to do! Its not an option a real father is going to be there and raise his child ( I was about to preach whew) But keep doing you and raise your son he is a beautiful lil man ;)
Status addition: the new trend now is DEADBEAT MOTHERS....
I joined the conversation with: I like your style. Heads act like we aren't here. What's that Chris Rock joke talking about how heads are always looking for credit for things they're suppose to be doing... Good fathers are here.
Why is it so hard to believe that fathers, minority ones in general, actually take care of their kids? When I came up, my father wasn't around but my grandfather and step father provided good examples and it's very important for me to remain in my children lives.
President Obama, while campaigning gave a speech last year on Father's day that touched on fathers in families today.
"Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success and the men who constantly push us toward it.
But if we are honest with ourselves, we'll admit that what too many fathers also are is missing - missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it."
I think that there are a lot of guys before and definitely after this call to action that are stepping up to the plate to take care of their children. We're here. There's a lot of us that are here for our children both financially and emotionally. There definitely need to be more manning up to the responsibility, but don't play the dudes that are here and have been here.
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