Showing posts with label O. Show all posts
Showing posts with label O. Show all posts

Friday, May 08, 2009

What I'm Watching Right Now...J Smooth (illdoctrine)

I've been on to the video blogs of J Smooth for sometime now. I can't remember how I found them but I'm glad I subscribe to them. Because he does what my boy Q and I do on occasion. Speak on things with sense, points, and intelligent opinions. Sometimes sarcastic, always enlightening. Probably why Q and I think he's our boy yet we've never met. Hahaha. He just makes sense when he does his videos. How can I not be cool with a dude like that. This video in particular is about Asher Roth and a comment he made. I didn't hear about it till watching this video blog (vlog?). Check it out. You might learn something.

For more info on J Smooth:

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