Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Friday, July 09, 2010
REAL TALK ... No One Man (or men) Should Have All That Power
Editor's note: I jumped on twitter and tweeted the following earlier today, "Let me share something with you ..." and then jumped into a rant about the police. For the record, I have no problem with cops that do their job by protecting and serving. I have a problem with the power driven fuck faces (yeah, fuck faces) that run the streets with no regard for the law that they are suppose to be enforcing. I basically just copy / pasted my rant, touched it up a bit and posted it. Yeah, that's how lazy I am with writing. But I felt there was some substance in what was said, that's why I'm sharing it. Hit up the comment section and let me know your thoughts.
I've been asked how I feel about police a few times recently. More so in the last few hours since the Oscar Grant trial verdict. I come back to this thought; the police force is made up of a few types of people.
You have the good; those trying to make a difference.
Then you have, the bad.
The bad are made up of a few types. I'll talk about two types in particular. Former bullies and the formerly bullied.
The former bullies are the assholes from middle school and high school that got off on being bigger and stronger than everyone. The formerly bullied are those that got teased, pushed around and harassed in middle school and high school.
Now they're both police officers. With guns. With a badge. With authority. Both dangerous. Both trying to prove something.
The former bullies live for the power. Live for the thrill of pushing folks around. The formerly bullied live for making a point that they won't be pushed around anymore. They now have authority and power.
These types of police officers are dangerous. They run the streets with NO regard for people. They run the streets with NO sense of protecting and serving. Well, they serve their self interest for power.
These fuck faces are the ones who beat unarmed people in the street. Shoot unarmed folks until their guns are empty. These are the fuck faces who murder people on camera, hundreds of eyewitnesses but say they felt their life was in jeopardy.
No doubt, being a cop is rough. I know cops. I get it. Tough job. But these loose cannons are the ones running rouge in the streets. I'm not even talking about dirty cops. I'm talking about the reckless ones that pull their gun every chance they get.
It's sick. It's disgusting. And NO ONE should be gunned down in the streets. NO ONE should be beaten to within inches of their life.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, there's screening that goes into being a cop I know! But the screening is sometimes done by the same clowns that I described. Think about it, a bully wants to bring on another bully. The bullied understands the plight of the bullied.
I know good cops. Some are family. Some are friends. Some are associates. I also know some fuck face cops too. Those are the ones that are giving police officers across the country a bad image. Think of it like this. Bad cops are like bad rap music. They get all the shine because they are out there the most. Getting all the press. Tying up the airwaves. Fuck bad cops.
Because you have a gun, a badge and the law on your side DOESN'T give you the right to step on someone else's rights! It's a tough job, I understand. But the ones using that excuse the most are the ones living above the law.
Let's do better.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Final Outlaw visits a high school in the BX
Dope to see artists communicating with the community and young people.
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Final Outlaw takes a break from finishing his upcoming album 'Unstoppable Love' to spend time with the youth of a high school in the Bronx.
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Friday, May 28, 2010
A verse a day w/@emperess
The homegirl Emperess is pushing toward her upcoming project, Fairy Tale World and is kicking off an aggressive promotion starting June 21. Check some tracks to hold you over until then.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010
"It's a Celebration" ... @LadyBlogga's One Year Anniversary
So, I hit LB up randomly on twitter earlier asking, "hey, when is your blogging anniversary with TMB?" Then I decided to search the blog. Weirdly enough, it's today. Today marks the first time she posted on the page.
So, it's a celebration! *Dave Chappelle as Rick James voice* (Hahahaha)
When we met her she was rocking the handle Sui Geniris on-line. We were impressed by her love of Hip-Hop and she was cool as hell too. We went back and forth over email trying to hash out the details. A week later she was Tha Lady Blogga (O's idea) and part of the team. She's been blogging with us ever since. Now she's all over the internets contributing to various sites and she's got a book in the works. But at the end of the day, she always come back to homebase here with TMB and we appreciate that.
Anyway, today marks a year of Tha Lady Blogga contributing to the site and so we figured we'd shout her out. Check out the first piece she wrote for us, "Just Plain UGGly…" A year later, I'm sure she still feels the same way about Uggs in the Spring and Summer.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010
For #Aiyana
I caught this story and was outraged much like the rest of you. I just thought of this little girl, Aiyana. A life cut short. I'm a father. This story hurts. Who chose for Aiyana to be a martyr?
I could talk about the police. I could talk about how they were overzealous. I could talk about the conditions in our urban communities that create conditions in which parents keep their children in unsafe homes. I could talk about how this could and will happen again if there isn't a drastic shift in procedures by police and responsibly by parents. There's a lot of emotion and thoughts running through my head when it comes to this story. I thought about writing about it. But my home girl @_Peech says pretty much everything I'm thinking and feeling. So, we pause for a moment from music and pop culture ...
From @_Peech
To wake up this morning to more news about #Aiyana Jones, the 7 year old girl who was tragically and senselessly murdered by men who were supposed to serve and protect her broke my heart.
Her death should break all our hearts. A little girl who could have grown up to be anything – full of promise and potential – slain by cops who got trigger happy because there were reality show cameras focused on them.
Who serves a warrant on a house where children and elderly persons live by throwing a flash grenade in a window? Reports have even surfaced of toys in the yard and neighbours who told LEO (Law Enforcement Officers) that children lived inside. To add insult to injury, the suspect was not even apprehended at the same apartment in which little Aiyana and her family lived.
Many subjects and opinions have come to light over today: Racism, police brutality, poverty, living in urban areas, and more; But my thought lies with [something I'm familiar with] Social Media. During the Iran Elections (just rock with me for a second), when the riots and violence started – it was less than a day before the number one topic on Twitter (most likely the longest running political trending topic) was #IranElection. Soon to follow was #MSMFail (Mainstream Media Fail) also #Mousavi and #CNNFail were top ranking as well. In fact, the entire TT list – all 10 topics – at one point referenced the Iran Elections.
Major news houses all over the world were getting their news from Twitter!
Not reinforcing already known news, but we [Tweeters!] were updating the world on the Iran Election. Quickly, Succinctly, and Clearly. Even when dis- (and mis)information came up, the solidarity of people who understand the gift of the internet quickly squashed it.
I say all that to reiterate my point:If it was done once, it can be done again. #Aiyana deserves justice and attention. The poor in America who are brutalized every day by LEO deserve justice and attention. The tense racial situation in this country deserves attention. The LEO who forgot the people that they serve because they were too busy posturing for reality television deserve attention and ostracizing. We deserve to stand up and say “I will not live in a police state. I will not watch my children be murdered by ignorant police officers. I will not watch my country go up in flames while people look on as if it were a movie - detached.”
I am, in my heart, disappointed and angry. Where is President Obama to speak on this? Where is Cornel West? Where is Tavis Smiley? Where is the honorable Minister Farrakhan? Where are our black leaders to speak out and put #Aiyana first instead of more posturing? Where are the voices? Where is the cacophony of screams for justice? They are not here.
They aren’t here. But we are. #Aiyana
Read what other folks are thinking over at
Monday, May 17, 2010
After nearly five years of showcasing groundbreaking and emerging talent in music and lifestyle, Beyond Race Magazine (BRM) is on the verge of shutting down operations. “The economic landscape in the magazine publishing area is slowly repairing itself, but not enough to support the longevity of a nationally distributed publication,” said David Terra, Publisher of BRM.
With continued cuts to print advertising and limitations due to a lack of consistent revenue, BRM is poised to follow along the lines of other publications that have had to reinvent themselves in order to continue operating. One last chance at saving the magazine in its current form is its audience and followers. BRM has launched a fundraising campaign through it’s website ( and will be hosting a series of benefit concerts called “Not Without A Fight.” All shows will be during the week of May 17 at Santos Party House in Manhattan, New York with the goal of “keeping the doors open” by hopefully raising enough money for BRM to continue operating.
Friday, May 14, 2010
15 Years of Duck Down Music
I caught this joint in the email.
15 Years of Duck Down Music - ALBUM + NYC RELEASE SHOW (July 13th)
Duck Down Music is celebrating its 15 Year Anniversary.
Founded in 1995 by Dru Ha & Buckshot, Duck Down Music has sold over 3 million records in its rich history.
The label, currently home to acts such as KRS-ONE & BUCKSHOT, 9th Wonder, B-Real of Cypress Hill, Sean Price, Kidz In The Hall, Skyzoo, Smif N Wessun, Heltah Skeltah, Boot Camp Clik, Marco Polo, Torae, Ruste Juxx, DJ Revolution, Team Facelift, Blue Scholars and more, is continuing to thrive in the Independent Hip-Hop scene.
To highlight the 15 year milestone, Duck Down is engaging YOU THE FAN, to help in deciding the final product for the commemorative album - 15 Years of Duck Down Music.
Fans can visit
There, you'll find a list of the top songs released through Duck Down, beginning in 1995 through 2010. Fans can vote for their favorite song from each year. The song with the most votes from each year will be highly recommended to be included in the final album track listing.
Voting will end June 1st.
On July 13th, just after INDEPENDENCE DAY, the collector's item will be made available strictly as a physical CD. Fans can expect unique packaging in honor of this historic album.
To celebrate the release, Duck Down is taking over BB KINGS in NYC (237 West 42nd Street) with a night of music featuring performances by:
Boot Camp Clik Featuring Sean Price, Buckshot, Smif N Wessun
Pharoahe Monch
Kidz In The Hall
Music By DJ Evil Dee
Doors 8:00PM
Click Here for Ticket Info
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
When She Speaks, You Listen: @ladyblogga "Deal or No Deal"

Who needs a record deal nowadays? Do artists enjoy having to compromise their creativity for a ‘target” audience? Do we really need the industry to peddle and crank out mainstream junk tunes that nobody wants to hear? Nope. We sure don’t. In this day and age with the internet and a worldwide audience at our fingertips, artists do not need to acquire a record deal at all. With the right networking moves and a daily grind, artists can get their music made and sold all on their own. There is really no immediate need for record companies. They are good for financial co-signing. We all know that if you package crap nicely, people will buy it and even like it. Look at Soulja Boy. Not a lick of talent but he had a record company behind him who packaged him to a target audience and his talentless ass sold millions of records. It makes no sense.
Artists can do the same thing using the internet and their will to “make it”. If you have thousands of followers on Twitter, there is no reason why you can’t package and sell your product to your followers to start the buzz and make money. Joell Ortiz is living proof that record company people are shaaadyyy. If he put out his own CD, he could charge $5 bucks a download for each of his thirty-five thousand followers. That is a lot of money for something he is good at and loves. Artists can actually make a good amount of money doing this. The money won’t be industry money though. You won’t be able to borrow and rent houses, cars and jewelry like the other rappers do. But at least you will have your cash up front minus the BS, contracts and red-tape. You will still have your dignity because you won’t have to conform to an industry image. And your project will come out just how you like it because your creativity wasn’t compromised to fit an industry mold.
Personally I think this is the way to go. I mean you won’t be making millions of “industry dollars” and your CD won’t contain a 25 page CD leaflet but your music will be what your fans really want to hear. These artists don’t understand that if they did their own thing, they could put these companies out of business. The internet is bringing the music industry to a whole ‘nother level and people need to start taking advantage.
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010
What I'm Watching ... Toyota's Swagger Wagon [SMDH]

So, Toyota, this is how you're going to do it? Huh? [LMAO] But does the Swagger Wagon's brakes work? What? Too soon? By the way, where my mother-fathers at?! (AND can I possibly sneak another question mark in? YES!)
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tanya Morgan presents the First Book Charity Concert & Book Drive

Hey if you're in the City this Friday, show some support for the First Book Charity Concert and Book Drive presented by Tanya Morgan.
"On Friday, April 30th Tanya Morgan presents the First Book Charity Concert and Book Drive at Crash Mansion (New York, NY ). Curated by Tanya Morgan and Move Forward Music, the book drive concert will feature performances by hip-hop legend Buckshot, his Duck Down labelmates Skyzoo and Torae, and of course the Brooklynati trio themselves, plus many more special guest appearances.
Presented in association with Black Apple Intl., proceeds from the concert will be donated to First Book, a non-profit that provides books to underprivileged kids across the U.S. and Canada. In their 20 years of public service, First Book has donated 65 million books to children in need, combating one of the most significant problems in U.S. literacy and education: access to books. Right now, more than 80% of preschool and after-school programs serving low-income populations have no age-appropriate books for their children, which has led to 30 million people over age 16 in the U.S. who don’t read well enough to understand a newspaper story written at the eighth grade level or fill out a job application.
This is our chance to take part in making a change. Join us for this incredible concert, and get down with the cause!"
When: Friday, April 30th 7:30 - 10pm
Where: Crash Mansion, 199 Bowery
Admission: $12 (donated to First Book), Used Books also welcome!
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
#RIPGURU and #FUCKSOLAR (it should just be all about GURU)

I'd rather be wrong than believe that Guru wrote this death bed letter. Seriously. And I'm not alone.
As soon as I saw it this morning, I called bullshit. I couldn't understand why blogs were running with it as fact. Nah homie. If you post that letter, you better throw in some sort of a "this is probably bullshit" disclaimer but it is probably bullshit. In order for me to believe that letter, it would need to be notarized by Jesus (yes, God's son), while being filmed by F. Gary Gray, with three Supreme Court Justices, the Pope and my mother present. Even then I'd still be skeptical if Solar was in the room.
As if the intro isn't odd enough with the "I, Guru", the letter reads as a love letter to Solar. I just find it hard to believe that no matter how much drama he had with DJ Premier that these would have been his last words. I can't believe that.
Are we really suppose to believe this statement, "The work I have done with Solar represents a legacy far beyond its time and is my most creative and experimental to date." Really? So, we're suppose to accept Solar now? Man, fuck that dude.
None of us really know what went down with him and DJ Premier but I can't believe Guru penned these words and tossed him under the bus like that.
If this letter was written by Guru (this is probably bullshit) and I was Solar (who is definitely bullshit), I would have tucked it away and NEVER shared it because based on the last few months (full of bullshit), anything coming from his camp is shady (and smells like bullshit).
After re-reading the letter, I decided to replace DJ Premier with Solar and vice versa. It reads a little better.
I do not wish my ex-DJ Solar to have anything to do with my name likeness, events tributes etc. connected in anyway to my situation including any use of my name or circumstance for any reason and I have instructed my lawyers to enforce this ... The work I have done with Solar DJ Premier represents a legacy far beyond its time. And we as a team were not afraid to push the envelope. To me this is what true artists do!It just bothers me that someone would muddy another person's name in death and it's most likely for money (hellooooooooo rights to masters and such).
Anyway, to end on a positive note, rest in peace GURU!
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Monday, April 12, 2010
What @LadyBlogga is Watching ... Sadat X and Will Tells True Wine Connoisseurs
Wine has always been my beverage of choice. People would laugh and say wine was for old folks. Not true though. Wine is for grown folks and if you don’t know about it then you’re not grown. Researching music on YouTube led me to something called The Wine Connoisseur’s Video Blog featuring Sadat X, produced by Will Tell. I saw the names Sadat X and Will Tell and instantly thought it was music related. It is but it isn’t…
The wine blog episodes are designed like the HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. No script, just basic guidelines to follow. Improv and Sadat’s personality make the episodes pop. After a few swigs and Sadat’s storytelling flair, the Episodes come to life and are hella funny. Their viewers send them wine from all over to try and that’s how they create their episodes.
I had to know how this came about so I caught up with Mr. Will Tell, the producer himself, and asked him to give me the scoop. Basically this all started because he wanted to chronicle Sadat X’s studio experiences for something called the X Files. Henny was the drink of choice in the studio. When the Henny’s in the system, Sadat is funny as hell. Henny is expensive and one day that wasn’t in the budget. They had to settle for a bottle of wine, el Gato Negro to be exact. What they didn’t know was that wine is much cheaper and creates a better buzz. Will Tell decided that Sadat should do a commercial for the wine and it evolved into a weekly episode blog.
Check out Episode #8 with wine from the Duplin Winery… Compliments of my homegirl @Mlissa910!! ENJOY and subscribe to the series. Follow the episodes, you will not be disappointed.
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The wine blog episodes are designed like the HBO series “Curb Your Enthusiasm”. No script, just basic guidelines to follow. Improv and Sadat’s personality make the episodes pop. After a few swigs and Sadat’s storytelling flair, the Episodes come to life and are hella funny. Their viewers send them wine from all over to try and that’s how they create their episodes.
I had to know how this came about so I caught up with Mr. Will Tell, the producer himself, and asked him to give me the scoop. Basically this all started because he wanted to chronicle Sadat X’s studio experiences for something called the X Files. Henny was the drink of choice in the studio. When the Henny’s in the system, Sadat is funny as hell. Henny is expensive and one day that wasn’t in the budget. They had to settle for a bottle of wine, el Gato Negro to be exact. What they didn’t know was that wine is much cheaper and creates a better buzz. Will Tell decided that Sadat should do a commercial for the wine and it evolved into a weekly episode blog.
Check out Episode #8 with wine from the Duplin Winery… Compliments of my homegirl @Mlissa910!! ENJOY and subscribe to the series. Follow the episodes, you will not be disappointed.
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Friday, April 09, 2010
Earl "DMX" Simmons and Tiger Woods
Yeah, this has just about as much to do with golf, Nike and Tiger Woods as the original commercial. It's my take. I figured I'd let another Earl do the talking though.
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Thursday, April 08, 2010
Where @LadyBlogga Was Last Night…

If you don’t know, you need to get on board. The Noisemakers series hosted by Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg is on point. Noisemakers is a live interview segment that gets up close and personal with the artists. If you are a true Hip Hop head, this is something you need to see and will definitely appreciate. Rosenberg ‘s knowledge of Hip-Hop is uncanny. He knows Hip-Hop inside and out. Definitely evidence that he is a true music man.
I was finally able to catch a live Noisemakers segment. Last night at 92YTribeca Rosenberg hosted a Noisemakers segment and the guest was the legendary Pete Rock. In between, the band Noise (with @DaruJones on the drums) took it to another level and covered his creations live… Horns, drums, keyboard… The whole bit. Last night was a music lover’s dream. Rosenberg and Pete Rock took me back to a time when music was eargasmic. And the fact that they were not only talking about the songs and beats but playing them as they came up in conversation was CRAZY!!! “Adore”, “Fakin’ Jacks”, “Soul Survivor”, “T.R.O.Y.”, “Down With The Kings”, “Skins” Whaaaaaaaat?? It put you back in that time and I swear, musically, it made me want to go back.
Pete Rock went from where he started, what he did in between and what he is doing now. Listening to the people he worked with, how he works and what he’s worked on is just incredible. His story is amazing and I think the way Rosenberg had him tell it made it even more interesting.

The best part was hearing that Pete Rock has his hands in all kinds of projects. Nas, Kanye (yes y’all.. He was summoned to Hawaii to creatively assist Kanye), Smif and Wesson, Sadat X, Camp Lo (80 Blocks from Tiffany’s)… Just to name a few. And he made it known that he wants to work with Eminem and Jay. It doesn’t make sense for me to tell you anymore, here is the whole segment. To hear the Kanye info come out the horse’s mouth, check Part 2. I really recommend you take the time, pour yourself a drink and check this out. Enjoy!!!
Noisemakers – Part 1
Noisemakers – Part 2
For more information on Peter Rosenberg check out: or listen to HOT 97’s Morning show. And to keep up with the Who’s and When’s of Noisemakers, check out
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Kiely Williams is Spectacular or train wreck? [Vid]
As O said, after watching the Kiely Williams video you need to wash your eyes out for two minutes. Shoot, make that 15. As if the video and song weren't bad enough, this confused young lady decided to take to video to respond, claiming the meaning was a bit deeper and as an actress she was merely playing a role [I frowned after typing this line]. Yeah, right. Anyway, I took to video to give my feedback on the video. Enjoy.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
The 2010 AMC Convention

New York City is a cultural plethora of music, the arts and fashion. The Underground music and arts scene in New York City is incredible. On any given day of the week you can find an exhibit, a new music artist showcase or a fashion show to attend. I do my best to shed light and support these events when I can. I believe that the Underground Movement is an important piece of bringing the music, art and fashion industry back to where it needs to be.
Young Successful Society and Quiet Riot Media have come together to bring the arts, fashion and music together at one time, in one venue. On April 19th at Gallery Bar (change of venue because Sputnik flaked) from 8pm – 12am the 2010 AMC Convention will be in full effect. The Convention will be showcasing the works of Deadstock RIC, RSNY, Brooklyn Robot, UPSCENE, YC the Cynic, Pk Pat, Kalil Kash and a whole host of other exhibitors. The presenters are from all 5 boroughs as they aim to bring their generation, location and art form together.
Guaranteed you will find something to your liking as there is something represented for everyone. The grindstyle is evident in all finished products and this younger generation is coming harder and better. They aim to please and that exactly what the Convention will do. I’ll see you at the Convention.
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