Showing posts with label Meeting of The Minds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meeting of The Minds. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Meeting of the Minds: Top Releases of 2010, Honorable Mentions (Part 3)

You've seen our personal picks. You've seen the picks we've agreed on. And now check out our honorable mentions. But before you start ragging on me and Q about leaving some releases out, know this, we're about to give you 10, count 'em, 10 honorable mentions (five from me, and five from Q). So without further adieu, check it after the jump, and let's get it on..(no Public Enemy).

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Meeting of the Minds: Top Releases of 2010, Personal Five (Part 2)

There were a lot of fresh releases this year, and yesterday Egypto and I gave you what we believe are some of the top releases this year. Those were the ones we agreed on. These are our personal five. Egypto gives you Janelle Monae, Big Boi and others. I give you Eternia & MoSS and Donwill and others. There were a lot of fresh releases this year and our list is just a snapshot of what we believe are the top joints. Check out our individual five after the jump. Enjoy.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Meeting of the Minds: Top Releases of 2010 (Part 1)

For those who are unaware, me and Q here at The Mad Bloggers are fans of surprises, and always hitting you with great analysis as well as musical surprises. Well, this day is no different, as Q and I team up to offer up a collaborative writing effort on the best things to our ears to hit us in 2010. Here's how we worked it out, ground-rules wise: each of us got to pick five releases individually, then we agreed on five. After that, we also each picked five different ones as honorable mentions, so we could cover the musical gamut with some of our favorite releases this year. This is part one of three. Read more after the jump.