Showing posts with label Kozza Babumba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kozza Babumba. Show all posts

Monday, May 11, 2009

Andy Suzuki Drops 300 Pianos on iTunes

The homie Andy Suzuki's album 300 Pianos just dropped on iTunes and I strongly suggest that you grab it immediately. Dude is humble, creative and extremely talented. It's a dope project from beginning to end. Hit up iTunes to purchase it and you can also check out some of his tracks at

Sunday, April 19, 2009

“Do me a favor and ask questions later…”

Andy Suzuki’s 300 Pianos is a project that I’m very excited about hitting the streets!

I met Andy through his percussionist, Kozza, early last year while Andy was pushing his live album at the time. I was impressed with that project and the grassroots way he was getting it out – you know, that viral movement. He’d email the link and asked that you forward it. I surely did that. At the time I was the publisher and editor of a newspaper and asked our entertainment editor do a piece on Andy.

She referred to his sound as “acoustic soul”. I tend to agree. He brings something very different and very real to his music.

He said during that interview, “I am blessed to be able to be doing what I love.” You can definitely hear it in his music. The dude is funny as hell too, as I learned when I ran into him in DC (he’s originally from the area but has been in Rhode Island attending Brown). He was in town doing a show and I ran into him and Kozza at Union Station. It was perhaps one of the funniest 45 minutes. What a humble, extremely talented and down to earth guy.

I know 300 Pianos will not disappoint.

We’ll do a more in-depth piece when the album is available on iTunes and on CD for purchase but I felt the need to put him on your radar now. I had to make sure you were ready.

Seriously check out some of his tracks previewed at and you'll be excited too.