Showing posts with label King of Pop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King of Pop. Show all posts

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tha Lady Blogga Remembers MJ ...

Waking up this morning felt weird. I was hoping that’s the news wasn’t true. But it was. Michael Jackson was really dead…

I was trying to figure out what to say. How to address this in a blog but the words couldn’t come. Even though I did not know him personally, it saddened me to tears. Michael was one of those people who were supposed to be immortal. He would be around making music forever. So this is almost surreal.

I remember being a little girl and having the craziest crush on Michael. My wall plastered with posters. I had all kinds of Michael Jackson paraphernalia. Being that my dad was a DJ, I was lucky enough to have his music on vinyl. And my dad had two copies of everything so I would sometimes get in trouble for taking his second record. If I wasn’t dancing in the living room, I was sitting and staring at the album cover and imagining…

Michael’s music was incredible. From a little boy, he sang from the heart; always genuine, always original. Many of the artists out today wanted to be him, at some point. A lot of people sampled his songs and modeled his style but nobody could do it like him. And nobody ever will.

The radio never sounded better. It is unfortunate that it took the death of an icon for us to hear quality music on the radio. I sincerely hope that artists sit back and take a good look at their music. They need to take a good look at the fact that their work ethic sucks, their level of creativity is nil and their focus on what good music is needs to be examined. Some people need a serious adjustment on the garbage they create and step their game up.

It is a shame that Michael died in the public eye, which is what he hated the most about show business. Instead of people paying homage to his great artistic works, the news and other media are trying to still, break him down. I hope that he can finally rest in peace. I know heaven is rockin’ right now!! Most of our greats are up there … R.I.P. Michael Jackson

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Real Talk: Remembering The King of Pop

Real talk for just a moment. Let's celebrate life.

Let the allegations and the Jacko talk fall back and let us appreciate the artist. Just for a real moment don't focus on the mostly gossip and rumor based nonsense of Michael Jackson's life and let's talk about and remember an INCREDIBLE artist with an extraordinary gift.

His music entertained us. His rise moved us. He was the King of Pop. This one man, his dance moves, his videos and his musical catalogue have impacted many different generations. There are those that grew up with Motown's Jackson 5 and then those that knew the amazing solo career of Michael Jackson.

The Internet and television - basically every media source have been on fire and have almost come to a halt over Michael Jackson. I grew up during a time that a Michael Jackson video world premier was a huge event. They covered his video like an Obama news conference on every major network. It was huge. You sat in your living room around a television and waited for the King of Pop's newest offering to the world to premier during prime time.

He was huge. He was the King of mini-series type music videos. I think most people can remember where they were when they saw Thriller for the first time. I'll bet that those same people are still a little afraid of the video to this day. How many of us have pulled a line from Billy Jean? You remembered how crazy the Remember The Time video was with Eddie Murphy and Magic Johnson. Who has world renowned movie directors directing their music videos? Yeah, Michael Jackson.

His collaborations go on and on and on. His career stretches decades. What were you doing when you were 10 years old?

He provided REAL dance moves. Remember the moonwalk? Remember that move he pulled in the Smooth Criminal video? I bet there are folks digging in their closet for their thriller jacket and searching for their single glove right now! Folks might be buying out stores for high-water pants, white socks and dress shoes right now. Be real.

Michael Jackson was and is an icon. Regardless of what has happened to the man in recent years in his personal life, his music is legendary and every rapper and singer deep down (and some on the surface) want to be him in some regards.

Let us appreciate the music that he gave to the world. Let us remember the King of Pop and his ability to make grown people cry and men and women alike faint while he performed.

The man was legendary and should be respected and appreciated. If you have MJ jokes or nonsense, save it. He dealt with enough of it in life, do we need to disrespect him in death? Let's celebrate and be positive. This goes for major networks and individuals.

Like my man O said, every radio station everywhere should be playing nothing but Michael Jackson for the whole weekend. He deserves that much.

It's just real talk.

A few words from "O":
It was an incredibly sad day in this world the day they announced Michael Jackson's passing. I can't believe how affected I get when I hear his music now. Having to fight the lump in my throat knowing he is forever gone from us and this world. I feel at least blessed to have grown up during the great part of his career. So many classics that will forever be remembered. I may have been younger but I still knew and felt his music to be greater than anyone can or will ever create. It's hard for me to talk about it now considering how powerful his music is and knowing he's no longer here to create more of that magic. Through out his ups and downs, he has given the world more than anyone I can even imagine. Michael did so much through his music. I hope God has open his gates in heaven for him and is waiting with open arms. He can suffer no longer. May his legend live on eternally through us and through his music.

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