Showing posts with label Jennifer Hudson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Hudson. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Jennifer Hudson "Love Is Bigger Than Fear" (Written by @kirbylauryen)

Kirby has been writing and singing for 167 days, as she marches on an ambitious journey to write a song a day. TMB has been there with her for more than one hundred days as she delivers song after song after song. More recently, in addition to writing material for herself, she's turned her attention to writing with particular music idols in mind. Just a few weeks ago, she wrote with Tyrese in mind. The power of social media allowed her followers to push it to their audiences, eventually catching his eye, leading to both a retweet and some words of encouragement.

That was cool.

As if that moment wasn't big enough, it got even bigger for Kirby less than 24 hours ago. This morning as I was getting ready for work at 3am (don't ask), I checked in on twitter (I'm an addict) catching wind that a song Kirby wrote with Jennifer Hudson in mind was being sung by Hudson during a live stream of a rehearsal. Further proving the power of social media, acting as an A&R/agent/publicist and more. Check out J Hud taking on Kirby's Love Is Bigger Than Fear. As a big supporter of Kirby, we're proud of her and this moment. We're sure she's on cloud nine. Awesome.

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