Showing posts with label Hot 93.7. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot 93.7. Show all posts

Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Journey to Hip-Hop ... Connecticut: The Rising Sun Quest

This Waterbury, Connecticut MC wasn't planned for today's post but since I caught this off his feed, I felt the need to share considering how I feel about the radio and the fact that they supposedly played this joint multiple times already. I wonder how many MCs/Rappers did the same and if they did better.....lyrically?!

So on Wednesday 5/5/10, I happened to be listening to Hot 93.7 cause they were playing that Jay-Z and Eminem track "Renegade", which is one of my favorites. After the track, the DJs were talking about Eminem representing on that track with lyrics and that artists nowadays don't focus enough on lyrics.

They then said that they had a beat available and if any local artists thought they could deliver lyrics over them, to e-mail Hot 93.7 and they would then send out the beat so the artists could get in the studio and lay down some verses and send it back. (That was a run on sentence.)

So of course, I did what was necessary to get the beat and went into the studio around 9:00pm by myself to get down to business. I stayed up till about 2:00am recording myself, running back and fourth from the track recorder to the booth. I recorded an old verse and one that I had just written earlier that day. I also laid down a hook which was just basically a chant that I do at my live shows. I did the best I could with the mixdown and sent it back to them that night. I didn't want to waste any time so I didn't sweat the fact that I wasn't 100% on the mix. I wasn't sure what they planned on doing with the track and thought they might at least give me a shout out on the air.

Well as it turns out, they played the track on the air around 12:30pm during the Mid Day Workout, I think. I totally missed it but a lot of people hit me up telling me they heard it and showed me and my city of Waterbury support throughout the day. Even the afternoon DJs talked about it, apparently.

Anyway, I wanna share the track with y'all but I haven't heard back from the station on whether it was cool to do that since it's their beat. So I can't give it to y'all for free download like I wanted to but at least you can hear it.

<a href="">Hot 93.7 Exclusive Promo Track by The Rising Sun Quest</a>

For more, click...The Rising Sun Quest

Follow The Journey To Hip-Hop in Connecticut ... Here

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Check It ... Hot 93.7's 6th Annual Underground Jam featuring CT Artists and Joe Budden

I checked out a bunch of winners for a contest the radio station was hosting for local artists to open up for Joe Budden. Caught some extra footage of these guys doing what they do as they got ready for the stage. Much appreciation to all the heads that were in attendance last night. Myk Feva, Willis, They Walk On Water, Man-U-Ill, Quest, & Chris Webby all held their ground on and off the stage. Pretty interesting night with the artists all bigging up each other and showing support for each other as Connecticut artists, often overlooked in this state regarding Hip-Hop. You'll be hearing more from these artists as we continue our journey in the state of Connecticut. Check it out the random pictures and videos I was able to get...

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