Showing posts with label Hofstra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hofstra. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

When She Speaks, You Listen: Tha Lady Blogga on the Hofstra Rape Incident

Ya know... Not for nothing, I always tend to side with my fellow females because I feel like as a woman, we have to stick together. But there are certain behaviors that I do not co-sign. Period.

Dear Hofstra Chick,
Let me just say that I am both disgusted and annoyed with you for pulling the rape card the other day. All over the news, contacting authorities and really playing the victim role. When in fact, you consented to sex with several different people. Going out ho'ing and then crying rape the next day because you're embarassed is not acceptable behavior.

Rape is a serious allegation. How dare you take such a violent crime and try to use it to your benefit. Not only did you make a fool of yourself but you accused other people. If I were them I would sue your ass for defamation of character. There are thousands of women who have to live with that pain everyday. And you want to use it to clear your ho'ish behavior?
Women have a hard enough time in this day and age without people like you making it harder. We have to deal with a lot of shit, especially from members of the opposite sex. Doing dumb shit like this basically gives them a pass and justifies why we should be treated a certain way.

Self respect is key. If you don't respect yourself, how can you expect others to do the same?

Get yo' shit together shorty!

Tha Lady Blogga

Check full story on Hofstra Incident

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