Showing posts with label Gangsta Grillz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gangsta Grillz. Show all posts

Friday, October 03, 2014

Download: Childish Gambino - "Gangsta Grillz Presents: STN MTN"

New mixtape by Gambino, hosted by DJ Drama, titled "STN MTN". It's short for Stone Mountain, where he was raised in Georgia. Put all that together and you get the idea of what this mixtape sounds like. Go check it out and then keep an eye out for that Kauai EP he'll be releasing.

“The Gangsta Grillz mixtape is sort of like — it’s a dream. And the dream ends when I wake up in Kauai. And they go into each other — it’s one complete project. You can download the mixtape, and you can go buy the EP. The money from the EP goes to help with keeping Kauai clean, and also helps with getting audio and visual device for cops policy.” says Gambino.

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