Check out KMC (Knowledge Moves Constantly), Just Thoughts. Definitely a different sound and I like it. It's kind of a spoken word type feel. I like spoken word. I dig it. Check it out.
Just Thoughts

Check the track from Focus featuring Ariel Sanders, The Jealous Proposal, Produced by Ritchcraft. It's got a cool, jazzy feel to it. The concept: Ariel is hip hop and Focus is an MC who wants to have hip hop all for himself.
The Jealous Proposal

Epiphany is putting the finishing touches on his RESPECT mixtape series. RESPECT will be released as four "mini-mixtapes" with 6-8 tracks each that will be accompanied with audio/visuals related to four different themes that Piph feels people need to respect. This 5 Dollas joint however won't be on his upcoming mixtape series but gives you a feel for his sound. It's a pretty chill track. Check it.
5 Dollas
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