Today is Father’s Day and on behalf of my team, I would like to wish all the Fathers a Happy Father’s Day!!! There is nothing like seeing a man with his child/children but there is something about seeing a man with his daughter that makes my heart melt. I am a Daddy’s girl myself. And even though he is hundreds of miles away, he still makes me feel like a princess.
In the music industry, family and children are considered “taboo”. For some reason or another, a lot of men in the industry hide the fact that they are family men to protect their “image”. (That is a blog for another day). Anyway, @Quesfire has shown me 2 sides to his talent. I’ve seen him rip the stage at shows and then there’s this.
He took the time with his daughter Lil T to collaborate on her first track “Lil Momma” which talks about the relationship between a father and a daughter. There’s no cursing and sex. No guns and violence. Just a father’s love and the admiration of his daughter. If this video is not Father’s Day appropriate, then I don’t know what is. Please take a moment and see @Quesfire and his daughter Lil T doing their thing on “Lil Momma”.
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