Boy oh boy…
Trending Topics have to be the worst feature on Twitter. Some of the things that end up trending are nonsensical. And sometimes if you don’t feel like using many brain cells, you participate in a Trending Topic or 2.
Well yesterday on Twitter, the top Trending Topic was #aRealWifey. First of all, I know this is just Twitter. But gosh, if you are going to host a Trending Topic, at least let it be correct. What in the hell is a “wifey”? I believe the correct term is Wife. Wifey/Wife… Is there a difference? I bet some idiot is going to tell me that there is a difference between the two… You’re wrong! Let me just tell you that up front. Anywho…
Now… there were a lot of ridiculous responses I have to tell you. Dudes talking about how #aRealWifey “puts a collar around her neck and then hands me the leash”, needs to give her husband head everyday, lets him sleep with whoever he wants, stands by him even though he cheats, irons his shirt while he’s in the shower, holds him down when he doesn’t want to work and other ridiculous things of that nature. These dudes were probably serious because all of the tweets were similar. And the women, they were no better. Talking about how #aRealWifey stays in her place… the kitchen and the bedroom (naked), is number one and doesn’t care about #’s 2,3,and 4, gives head with Listerine in her mouth, holds the heat, hides her husband from the Feds, stashes drugs in her coochie… I mean seriously folks, I don’t think that these people were kidding. They really feel that those are qualities they need to have in a mate.
Basically, before people talk about what a real wife or husband is, they need to learn the role. There are plenty of people playing the role of a label that they know nothing about and they have huge misconceptions about what they should be. I don’t understand how people talk about things they know nothing about. But I guess that’s the way of the world, people do that all the time. How are you telling me what I as a wife need to do when you don’t even know what you need to be doing as a husband? And all this Trending Topic is doing is reinforcing the ignorance and relationship dysfunctions that plague this country… Hence all the Tiger Woods’ and …. (I tried to find a woman cheater, there weren’t really any good ones. LMAO) situations.
Come on folks. Get it together. Let’s stop entertaining these stupid Trending Topics and if we do, let’s not make ourselves look stupid and ignorant in the process…
-Lady Blogga
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-Lady Blogga
Follow the madness: twitter.com/madbloggers
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