If any of you all follow the artists I post up, then you know I mainly stick to the R&B. I have absolute love and respect for Hip-Hop, but my heart generally vibes with the R and the B. HOWEVER, after the track I just got in the inbox, that's definitely about to change. I put out a request for folks to send me music (since they never do), and got quite a surprise this go 'round. First track sent, I think, was a great one. I can pretty much tell whether or not I'll like something in about 10 seconds or less, but as sooon as I put Eddie Caine's "Black Swan" on, it was an instant love affair. Although the track is short, *sad face* I think folks can vibe with this. I look forward to finding out more about Eddie Caine and the projects he's working on.
Also, shouts out to @JosephAParker for hitting me up with this. Enjoy.
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