Showing posts with label Diva. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diva. Show all posts

Friday, July 06, 2012

SPEAK Easy "Get Away" feat. Diva

Peep the latest from the Milwaukee homie and Uni-Fi Records representer SPEAK Easy. Look out for his new project due out in August. In the meantime enjoy Get Away featuring Diva, with production by Reason 4AR. Chea!

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Check It ... Misen Lync "Friendly Skies" feat. Speak Easy and Diva

This joint is off of Misen Lync's "Both Sides Of The Mirror" project. Video coming soon. Enjoy this track in the meantime!

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Beyonce's Ego: Great another black & white video

Wait, is this the video for Ego, Diva or Single Ladies? Doesn’t it seem like so many of Beyonce’s videos since Single Ladies have pretty much the same copy/paste formula? Wear something skimpy and shake your ass with two other girls ... in black and white. I’m not complaining, just bringing attention to it.

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