Showing posts with label Cover. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cover. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

What I'm Watching: Pentatonix - "Moves Like Jagger"

This is the dope stuff I love posting about. Check out the Pentatonix doing an acoustic cover of Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger." Enjoy! Oh, and the dude to the far left, trust me when I say, you're welcome. Ha!

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Friday, May 11, 2012

What I'm Watching: @ULuvTashaRamos - "Glory (remix)"

The one and only Ms. Natasha Ramos hit me up with her newest cover "Glory (remix)" originally by Ryan Leslie, and the joint is HOT! In this full-length video, we get to see clips of Tasha's fierce push to greatness. Ramos has been in the game a good minute, and her perseverance and love for music has definitely attributed to her popularity today. As always, and as expected, the vocals are top notch especially against such a wonderfully dramatic track. You definitely can't be mad at this woman's hustle, so check out the video and then show her some love. Natasha is coming for it. Be ready to give her the glory. Enjoy.

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

What I'm Watching: @Duwende - "As (a cappella cover)" (original by Stevie Wonder)

PEOPLE! People, people, people. I didn't know what to do when I hit the play button on their YouTube video and heard of this glorious awesomeness coming out the speakers. I literally jumped out of my office chair and started grooving to this stellar cover of Stevie Wonder's "As." We all get a little uneasy when we see that a rendition of a song belonging to one of the greats has been done, but when I tell you Duwende put their FOOT (feet?) into this, I mean it. Duwende's sound is warm, inviting, and the harmonies gelled like I haven't heard in over a decade, especially around the 3:03 mark. I can't believe I didn't know about them until today. So be shout outs and kudos to my friend Bri Cox.

Ladies and gentlemen, when I tell you this is what music sounds like, I'm really telling you this is what music sounds like. Don't believe me? Take a listen for yourself. Enjoy.

Want to keep up with what Duwende's doing? Check out their links below. By the way, I know you totally loved that.

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

What I'm Watching: Kris Collins - "Climax" (original by Usher)

I've probably watched this video about 5 or so times and each time I listen to it, I get more and more impressed with the cover. Around the 2:20 mark, the harmonies become emotionally overwhelming in one of the greatest ways possible. There are so many things that were done right with this remake; I probably wouldn't have time to go over them all. Kris did such an impressive job in turning "Climax" into a song that fits his style, and even adding a little bit of the rocker, punk edge. Again, bravo. Take a listen and see for yourself. Enjoy!

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What I'm Watching: @SidSriram "We Found Love" (original by Rihanna)

I don't even know if there's much more that can be said about how talented Sid is. Here's his latest cover "We Found Love", originally done by Rhi Rhi. I think what I love most about his version is the personal culture touch he put in the song. Beautiful. With any luck, hopefully we (his fans) can convince him to do a cover of the breathtakingly wonderful "Anwar" by Javeda Zindagi soon.

Again, my hat is off to you.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What I'm Watching: Pentatonix - "How Will I Know" (Whitney Houston Tribute)

Words really can't describe how incredible this is. Just check it out. It's worth it! Enjoy.

Whitney Houston, my love, may you rest forever in peace.

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Thursday, February 09, 2012

What I'm Watching: @SidSriram - "For All We Know" (original by Donny Hathaway) Dir. by @ImArthurJohnson

Sid Sriram. I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sid earned my respect a long time ago. He is probably, hands down, the number 1 artist I've enjoyed discovering the most over the past 12 months. After releasing multiple covers and easily outshining the original artist as well as putting out his own EP Be Easy; The Acoustic Sessions, Sriram has yet again impressed me with probably his best and most heartfelt cover ever done; one of my favorites from Donny Hathaway, "For All We Know."

It's simple. Not overstated. Purely beautiful, raw and passionate. So, not only does he have my respect, he has become, for me, one of the most appreciated artists I've ever heard. Well done, my friend.


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Friday, January 13, 2012

What I'm Watching: Stori "Someone Like You" (An Adele Cover that's Actually Damn Good)

Folks that know me, know that I love Adele. Adele before everyone was hip to her with 21. I fucks with 19 unlike a lot of others. Her voice has always captivated me. So much passion. So much emotion. Classic soul music. And because of what Adele does vocally, I frown on covers of her tracks. Frown upon them heavily. I’ve heard a lot of Adele covers too. Frankly, most of them sound like shit. I however stumbled on this cover from Stori. Yeah, I really like this. She adds a little but doesn't take away from it. I dig that. This song always takes me somewhere else … Someone Like You is the classy version of Drake's Marvin's Room. Ha!

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What EMS Is Watching ... "Love On Top" x @KrisWak (original by Beyoncé)

So... it's late nights like these when I go trolling the internet and stumble upon awesomeness like this. I was spending the last few minutes of my night on YouTube seeing what was what and the first time I got notice of Kris Collins was when I watched his co-cover of Frank Ocean's "We All Try" with his best friend Dom (which, by the way, was very good). Then I mosied on over to the Facebook Fan Page and saw the cover of Beyonce's latest. I thought to myself, hmmm I wonder how this is going to go. Can we say cutest thing ever?! I love his voice, he's extremely talented and I, for one, plan on finding out more about Kris' music. I think this would definitely serve as something nice for the dames! Enjoy.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What EMS Is Watching ... "High For This" x @SidSriram (original by The Weeknd)

Every time this guy gets in front of a mic, he just gets doper and doper. I caught this over on Facebook and I have to say, I was all the way excited. I got introduced to Sid Sriram by listening to his cover of "We All Try" which was simple and gorgeous with a piano accompaniment. NOW with his new cover of The Weeknd's "High For This," Sriram goes all out! The strings, the drums... everything. Dude definitely has talent. Only thing I wish is that I could've been in the room witnessing all this. Could you imagine?


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Thursday, July 28, 2011

What EMS Is Watching ... "Best Thing I Never Had" x Tori Kelly & Todrick Hall (original by Beyonce)

I don't really know what's going on over in the Land of Covers, but the last set of songs that I have had the privilege of seeing/listening to have been exceptional. I caught this on Tumblr and I was blown away. I think Tori and Todrick have the perfect voices that blend and compliment each other so well. It's like finding the right creamer for your coffee and that warm feeling you get when you sip it down. It's performances like these that make me happy to be a blogger.

Check out the rest of Tori Kelly's YouTube links here and Todrick Hall's YouTube links here.


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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Mad Bloggers Spotlight: @TXHummingbird - 1+1 (original cover by Beyoncé)

Girl, listen... You did that!

I've seen one other video by @TXHummingbird singing "Happy Birthday" to a follower, and it was amazing. I didn't know "Happy Birthday" could be sung that well, and in a cappella no less. Any musician or artist knows how difficult it is to sing without music.

And again, I couldn't let myself go to bed without posting this, because this woman deserves to be heard. Of course, if I find out she has recorded material, I'll be SURE to post it on The Mad Bloggers as soon as possible.

I, myself, can say that I'm somewhat of a Bey stan. Not to the extent of others, but enough. But let me just tell y'all... @TXHummingbird > Beyonce on this song. Watch out Bey, you've got some MEAN competition.

Enjoy the video.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What I'm Watching ... Wednesday Atoms - "Pusherman" (Cover)

Check out Wednesday's cover of Curtis Mayfield's Pusherman. Cool video and a great job at the cover. Hit up the comment section with your thoughts on it.

Filmed/Directed/Edited by Edwin Escobar Performed by Wednesday Atoms
cover to a song by Curtis Mayfield off the Super Fly Soundtrack.

Cast: Terrance Nelson, Steven "Blue" Edmonds, Jaron Plowden

For more on Wednesday Atoms, check her out on FB: Wednesday

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