Showing posts with label Cousin Larry's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cousin Larry's. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
EVENT: Enter The Cypher's 5th Annual Anniversary
I've been to a bunch of these ETC shows. Always a good time there. The people are friendly, cool. Everyone has a good time. New fans are made. Good music all around. I hope you can make it. Connecticut, let's show 'em how we can support.
Asylum Lifetime,
Cousin Larry's,
Diztrict AllStarz,
DJ Mo Niklz,
Duece Bug,
Enter The Cipher,
Enter The Cypher,
Sketch Tha Cataclysm
Friday, December 11, 2009
Enter The Cipher, Ant Farm Affiliates, Hydrostatic Equilibrium, an interview of The Rising Sun Quest by Sketch Tha Cataclysm and more...

So I got to check out The Rising Sun Quest at his release party a week ago and caught some dope music off his latest album titled Hydrostatic Equilibrium as well as tracks off the free Surviving Life and Journey Towards The Sun.
I got to see him perform a couple weeks before his release party at the same spot in Danbury, CT. At Cousin Larry's, the 50th edition of Enter The Cypher, an Open Mic & Hip Hop Showcase, was held. This spot, on a side street that took me 15 minutes to find after driving by it about 6 times is a local bar in Danbury where most likely, the people that go there know each other. It's a very relaxed bar with stickers and posters covering what looked like every square inch of every wall, with a pool table and tvs tuned to sports. A small spot where it cost $5 to get it and $4.50 for a Heineken. Haha. They also sell CDs from what look like locals who may have performed there with prices ranging from $6 to $12 by the end of the bar. I thought that was very unique for a bar and pretty cool that they do that. Never know, you might find a diamond in that kind of rough.
Enter The Cypher is hosted by two school teachers by day, MCs by night named Othello and Nemesis Alpha, collectively known as d_Cyphernauts. There were acts from Connecticut to Maryland performing trying to get their name out at a venue that has held 49 previous shows on every 3rd Friday of the month. From Deto-22 doing cuts off Sharing is Caring, collaborated with Sketch Tha Cataclysm, to The Protege and Roc Doogie (who are both a part of Phenetiks as well as Deto 22 and DJ SirCumference), to a group who called themselves The Presence as well as others from out of state that I can not recall. While some did fairly ok, any one of the Ant Farm Affiliates came out to show and prove. I'm still wondering why most have never heard of them, either as a whole affiliation or as separate artists.
Sketch Tha Cataclysm - Compartments of Darts
The Protege - Provisions
Deto-22 & Sketch Tha Cataclysm - Rebel Music
Phenetiks - AF
It was pretty dope to know there's a spot where heads can come through and hang out, chill, politic (as they say, haha), or kick a freestyle or two. I almost got inspired to get on stage myself but I decided to let the pros do their thing. As the night went on and acts showcased their skills on the mic, it seemed like the crowd was in anticipation for the guest of honor and The Rising Sun Quest didn't disappoint.
I spoke to Quest briefly before he took the stage to perform and asked him a couple of random questions. For a man that has been spitting for about 10 years, I noticed a different tone in his latest music. A little more edgier, more boom bap, more hunger. In my opinion, it sounds like he's going harder at the mic than before. He says that he felt the need to go back to the roots of rhyming back in the days where he used to cipher in Spring Brook, a neighborhood in Waterbury, CT, his hometown.
As he hit the stage, the crowd got amped, live, hyped ready to hear what we all drove to Cousin Larry's for. Many in the crowd knew the words, heads playing pool were nodding while trying to concentrate on not scratching, and I even saw the bartender vibing to the sounds out the speaker. You can tell that Quest has been here and done that before. No stranger to the mic, stage or hip hop. This guy definitely seems like he was born for this. As the show was winding down, I felt inspired to be involved in the movement in some way so I'm playing my part with my blog. With production ranging from Sketch Tha Cataclysm, Deto-22, DJ Syruz and the majority by Defnyshn, Hydrostatic Equilibrium proved to be a great collection to my hip hop catalog.
It's a must hear, in my opinion, and with a sound this dope, it should be your opinion as well. Definitely check it out. You might be missing something you wish you hadn't when he reaches the stars, or in his case, just the big one we all know as the sun.
Some audio I caught at the live show...
Nemesis Alpha
Roc Doogie
Roc Doogie
The Mad Bloggers also got together with Sketch Tha Cataclysm on the story of The Rising Sun Quest. Sketch was able to get Quest to take some time out to interview him about his release, past work, Hip Hop in 09 and everything else under the sun. Check it out.....
What's up folks. Thank you for hitting us up for the second installment of Conversations With Tha Cataclysm. Every Friday, I will feature a guest here discussing the finer points of creating hip-hop. In the future, we will discuss a range of topics such as the technical aspects of beatboxing, the mindstate of a battle MC, engineering a hip-hop record, and more. We will also be featuring artists discussing the technical aspects of their albums.
This second episode is co-sponsored by my boys The Mad Bloggers. My guest this week was a frequent guest on my former television program during its tenure on CT public access. (R.I.P. Hold Up And Analyze) Since then, he has gone on to drop for solo projects including his latest EP Hydrostatic Equilibrium. You could pick up his past releases on Little Ax and his own Ladies and gentlemen, The Rising Sun Quest.
Sketch Tha Cataclysm: So coming off of a solid full length project like Journey Toward The Sun, what made you want to go back to the EP format?
The Rising Sun Quest: Well, basically, though I loved the LP, I felt like I didn't showcase some of the skills I had in terms of straight spittin'. A lot of those joints were conceptual, so the new EP just kinda has that raw MC feel; without structure and more aggressive.
Sketch: Was that decision based on a fan response you got to JTTS or from you?
Quest: JTTS was my most embraced project to date. Lots of people tell me how complete that album was. They're right *laughs* but though it had some elements that the new EP displays, I didn't feel it was enough. It was still in me to let out. Thus the title for the EP Hydrostatic Equilibrium. It was recorded to create a balance between the two projects. (With the previous Surviving Life LP)
Sketch: How has your recording techniques changed through all of the projects? I know the music was created with entirely different production tools back on Stellar Evolution (his debut EP).
Quest: Not much really. Yeah we got different production tools, but we use basically the same recording techniques. Its that Roland digital recorder, just a different version. . . same booth. I think I just take more time when I mix my stuff down. If anything, I'd say that's the biggest difference. Plus, the fact that I stopped making beats frees more time for me to focus on the mix downs and all.
Sketch: There seems to be two schools on recording vocals. Punch-ins and cats that like to rhyme straight through. What's your perspective and which did you use on the new project?
Quest: OK, me and Expertiz go in on this topic a bunch. My feeling is that if you're going to record your shit than do what you feel is best for the track. Don't let that MC pride get in the way of a good recording. First two albums, I hated to punch in. But, that's only because I didn't do it properly, so I could hear the big difference between my words. Now, in some cases its dope to have a contrast in your words when you want to emphasize something, but now I found a way to have a nice transitions between the punch-ins if needed. The bottom line is, punch ins, I'm ok with it, but if you can't spit your shit straight through on stage, then that's where I question your ability.
Sketch: Interesting point. As a performer myself I go back and forth. . . but. . . I have found that it is hard to duplicate some punch-in tracks live. Have you encountered this?
Quest: Not really because, like I said, certain times you want those punch in for the contrast, but that's not really my style. So usually, when I punch-in its only because I haven't perfected my delivery due to it being a new verse or maybe an off recording day. Onstage, I usually get through it, even if it means my vein is going to pop out my forehead; i.e. "Fire In The Sky", I punched in two spots for that track, but when I rock it, I spit it straight through with no hypeman.
Sketch: Lets get into the actual content.
Quest: Hip Hop has content? in 2009?
Sketch: Not really. . . I like to pretend its a serious art form from time to time. *laughs* You don't just straight spit on this EP. . . you take on some heavy topics. . . more on the dark side of things.
Quest: Ok you're right, but I would not feel right if I made an album without that element that is a Quest staple. If you go back, there has to be that one song that stabs at the heart: "Then You Die", "Helpless", "Mistaken", and "You Don't Know", those are a requirement for me.
Sketch: How about "I See You"? We talked about that being included briefly, but do you want to touch on the origin of that song for people who don't know? Quest: Oh yeah, but that's different. I guess the other tracks I named were more for shock value where as "I See You" and "Escape From What" were more the heart stabbers but yeah, "I See You" was an important song to me. I won't say I have my homies dying on a regular basis or nothing like that, but I have lost a few people in my life and also had family and friends locked up. And like I say in the song, we only think of them when there gone and I wanted to try to help realize that though we cant forget those we lost, we have to appreciate the ones we have. Songs like that are why I continue to do music. If I couldn't produce that right there and only could give you darts I would have stopped a long time ago.
Sketch: Something I wanted to bring up before we bounce was the music videos. You've now done four with 3 different directors. How do you approach music videos?
Quest: I don't *laughs* they approached me. Sketch: *laughs* Quest: Arjen (of Elasticbrand) was inspired by "Why I Write" (from Journey Toward The Sun) and he asked if he could do a video for it.
Sketch: Nice.
Quest: Before I hit him back, he e-mailed me a full story board with sketches and all and I was blown away by the work he put in. Before he even heard from me, well maybe he sent them on the second e-mail but regardless. And Snare did "Rock To The Rhythm". He was following me to shows for like a few months, stealing footage from different events. Of course, Dre from Make A Video, he just like you have been helping me out since before I can remember. I guess he had some new camera tricks he wanted to try but he wanted to do "Walk With The Beat". . . *laughs*. . . I don't even really like that song.
Sketch: *Laughs* Honesty!
Quest: But, I say if he is inspired to do the video for it, then let's do it. I'll stand in downtown like an idiot with four people looking like a weirdo in the middle of traffic rapping to no music. *laughs* It's so uncomfortable to do a video.
Sketch: Have you given any thought to how you are being portrayed? Since you put it in their hands?
Quest: Not at all all. Those cats I trust, with the exception of Arjen whom I didn't know at the time. I trust him now after that "Why I Write" joint and "Fire In The Sky" whooo!
Sketch: You look way more comfortable in the "Fire In The Sky" video.
Quest: That's because I was at the southern cross. The REAL southern cross. (Waterbury, CT's site of the former Holy Land U.S.A.)
Sketch: Slow motion shots of you turning and shit. *laughs*
Quest: *laughs*
Sketch: Arjen is the man!
Quest: Yeah man. That's all Arjen. He gave great direction. He had a vision and I just did what he asked. They are artists like me. . . they have a vision and I was their pen.
Sketch: So what's happening next for you? Another album?
Quest: Definitely already have some real dope concepts in mind.
Sketch: There's concepts in hip-hop? After this we cracked jokes for a second and he also reminded me to tell everyone to vote for him in the Hot 93.7 contest.
We leave you all today with the video The Rising Sun Quest's "Fire In The Sky". I want to thank The Rising Sun Quest for taking the time and The Mad Bloggers for spreading the word. I'll see you all next on where my guest will be Cee Reed talking about his new album, Fight Or Flight.
For more, check out Ant Farm Affiliates.
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Check out more from The Mad Bloggers
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Journey Towards The Sun...The Rising Sun Quest

The Rising Sun Quest is a local MC I've known for a minute. I've heard his music and I can hear the growth in it. Very talented individual who has crafted his skill for over 10 years strong. According to Quest, he's performed many times in his hometown of Waterbury, CT and in venues such as Toad's Place, The Webster Theater, and Tuxedo Junction.
Personally, after listening to his albums, I wouldn't consider his style or music local. I think he definitely has the ability to go as far as he wants. I got the opportunity to chat with him recently about what's going on with him and his music. Check out the interview.
The Mad Bloggers: Where did you grow up?
The Rising Sun Quest: Waterbury, CT aka Brass City / Dirty Water. I lived on the south side of things but really chilled all over the city.
TMB: How long have you been doing music?
Quest: It feels like forever. I guess I started in 1993 but didn’t really get serious about it till '98 or so. It started on mix tapes over industry beats for a good while and then we invested in some recording and production equipment and it was a wrap from there. Early on I wrote verses but didn’t really focus on song structure at all. As time went on I developed the ability to create songs and saw the impact the right formula could have on people.
TMB: Is music your career or do you have a "day job"?
Quest: Music is my passion and I love it. It doesn’t pay the bills though. Getting people to spend money on a CD is like pulling teeth. So yeah, I do have a day job.
TMB: Where do you want to see your music go?
Quest: I would love for my music to be in the minds of all hip-hop lovers. So far I’m happy with the way my music has been received by those who actually have heard some of it. I’ve gotten the type of props that most MCs now won't get. People have told me that my songs have saved their lives or gotten them through tough times. That it truly relates to them and their situations. So for me, it’s all about reaching more people and showing them that there are artists out here that still do it for the love and not the money.
TMB: Who are your musical influences?
Quest: Well I’d say Nas, Big Pun, Canibus, Wu-Tang, Black Moon, and Redman just to name a few. 'Illmatic' to me was the perfect album and Big Pun's Capitol Punishment was the type of lyrical ability and delivery I strive for. I love all music though. Spanish music was a big part of my life growing up and R&B is a must when I need to mellow out and escape.
TMB: In your opinion, what's the state of music?
Quest: It is what it is. Music constantly changes but as we get older our perspective never changes, when it comes to music anyway. So it’s easy for us to reject the new trends and new artists. I’m stuck in the early 90’s and rarely do artists of today bring that type of rawness to the table. The music industry, on the other hand...awful.
TMB: What's the hardest thing you're experiencing that deals with your music?
Quest: Just how hard it is to be heard. I know I’m good at what I do and I know the quality of my art. Yet I’m still in Waterbury with my “day job” and it feels like I’ll never get a chance to show my stuff on the big stage. But I try not to focus on that and just continue to do what I do. I can’t just give up because the few people that do follow rely on me to be their escape from the flashy 'ringtone' rap.
TMB: What's your favorite part of doing your music?
Quest: The listeners who take in what I spend hours of my life working on. When somebody is really feeling my song I love it cause it's like I get to experience it all over again like it was brand new to me. Sometimes I get sick of my own stuff only cause of how many times I hear it before it's done. Considering I mix down most of my stuff I hear it over and over, but when I play it for somebody and see their reaction, it's truly all worth it.
TMB: What projects are you currently working on?
Quest: Right now, I’m working on an EP and I plan to have like 8 to 10 tracks on it. I got about six written right now and I have a few beats gathered up so I’m looking to get in gear with it real soon and try to put it out there by summer of 2009. It will be my 4th project. I have Stellar Evolution (10 tracks), Surviving Life (15 tracks), and Journey Towards The Sun (16 tracks). (According to Quest, the new music he's created is still untitled.)
TMB: Have you performed at any shows you consider memorable?
Quest: A lot of memorable shows, yeah, but more so due to the crowed being amped and not the headliners. The AFA Hip Hop Summits we put together are always live. I got to share the stage with Chubb Rock, which was dope. I remember doing a show with Evil Dee of Black Moon in Danbury, which was big. I performed out at EOW in Manhattan, which is a big Open Mic in the city and also recognized worldwide. Rocked the crowed and represented CT lovely, which felt great.
TMB: Any artists you're looking to collab with?
Quest: I’m willing to work with anybody but right now no names come to mind. Plus I wanna knock this next project out the box before I start building with heads unless of course a real notable cat is willing to work with me. It would be foolish to turn that down, you know.
TMB: Any upcoming shows?
Quest: Right now there is nothing big on the horizon. I regularly rock my crews open mic every third Friday of the month at Cousin Larry’s in Danbury. I got this B-Boy Jam this Saturday, May 2nd at Kriola's in downtown Waterbury, CT but I haven’t really booked anything. I’m trying to cut back on the showcases loaded with rappers and I'm looking to do bigger things if the opportunities arise.
Contact Info:
Music Links:
iTunes Link:
The Rising Sun Quest on iTunes
Music Videos:
Why I Write -
The Rising Sun Quest - Why I Write from Elasticbrand on Vimeo.
Rock to the Rhythm -
Rising Sun Quest - Rock to the Rhythm (Official Video) from SNARE (Jose Martinez) on Vimeo.
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