Showing posts with label Clowns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clowns. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27, 2010

From A Night At The Clowns' Table ... 50 Tyson

So........9pm rolls around and the fellas get on the conference. Khal, ThroatChopu aka Q, BeanPie aka Shaun and I are discussing 10 videos to list for Shaun's site. We were looking for a bonus video, something we can kinda laugh at. Khal decides to hit us with this cat named 50 Tyson. I don't even know where to begin. The name? The speech? The flows? The delivery? The punchlines? Wow. I'm speechless besides the nonstop losses of breath due to the overwhelming laughter. Again, wow. See for yourself.

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