Showing posts with label Charles Hamilton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles Hamilton. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The State of Hip-Hop According to Charles Hamilton

"It's got to the point that an inspirational song is turn my swag on..." - Charles Hamilton

Yeah, you already know how I feel about Charles Hamilton. I think the dude is mostly reckless with his words and says things to just get a rise out of people. Even in this video, he's a bit scattered in some places but for the most part, I think Charles Hamilton says some real stuff in this video.Check it out.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Jay Smooth: Operation Ignore Charles Hamilton

We respect Jay Smooth and his vids are dope and make you think. He takes a look at the Charles Hamilton situation. I think it's insightful. Basically ignore Charles Hamilton's random statements and only pay attention if he's linking us to a video or some of his music. Check out Jay Smooth's video: Operation Ignore Charles Hamilton.

From Original Post
A long episode that doesn't have a lot of jokes in it, cuz I really feel bad for the kid and am not trying to clown him. I know he keeps telling himself it's okay to have everyone hating him as long as they keep paying attention. But at this point it's clearly not okay.

For some background on Charles Hamilton's issues:


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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"I am the Victim"

I don't care how many times I see this chin check, it's funny each time. It's funny because for a moment Charles Hamilton looks like he choked up and was on the verge of tears. It's also funny because it took the other dude like a solid minute to figure out what was going on. Needless to say, it's the punch that went viral and Chuck has tried to get ahead of it ever since. I wonder how that's working out, because he's been the butt of most jokes over the weekend. 

Briana, the chick who tagged that glass jaw of his wrote on her blog a day later about the incident, "We seriously have a sick, dysfunctional, high school relationship. But... it is what it is. Like I said earlier: I DID NOT MEAN TO DECK HIM. I was holding it back but the more I thought about what he said the more I wanted to hit him."

Sick, dysfunctional relationship? Does this mean that Chuck gets his chin checked often and this is the first time it was caught on camera? 

It is interesting to raise the point that if this was a woman that got punched on video, we'd all be pretty pissed. But I also wonder if we don't care much and are okay with it because it's both funny and Chuck's arrogance deserved it. Well, Star sounds off on the subject on and it's pretty funny. Check the vid.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Sonic Boom!

I suppose that's one way to win a battle. Charles Hamilton gets served up! Ouch! Wonder if he's calling Barbara Walters to tell his story. "Uh, what had happened was..." Riiiight. 

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