Showing posts with label Brandon Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandon Thomas. Show all posts

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What I'm Watching (4/21/11): Has-Lo, Brandon Thomas, Foreign Legion and Camp Lo

It's Thursday and I have four dope videos for you that I've bumped into on the Internets or caught via email. Today, you get a solid offering from Has-Lo, the young Brandon Thomas, Foreign Legion and Camp Lo. Enjoy the videos after the jump. Chea!

Monday, March 14, 2011

What I'm Listening to: Brandon Thomas (@Brandon2NICE) "Stylin' On Simpletons"

Again, I must be blessed with the good fortune of tight folks coming at me, cause this guy came out of nowhere and asked how he could get on TMB. Simple: just make that dopeness, and your time shall come. Coming to you from Atlanta (or NewLanta as he puts it) is the dude, Brandon Thomas. And he's only 15. Consider me blown away.

As always, let us know at TMB what you think!

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