Showing posts with label Bettis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bettis. Show all posts

Thursday, March 24, 2011

TheSeKondElement & Bettis in 6th St Can Hear It

TheSeKondElement & Bettis in: 6th St Can Hear It from TheSeKondElement TheACE on Vimeo.

TheSeKondElement has been featured on the site a few times. I dig her sound. She has this old school vibe with new school bars. Her rhymes are deep and always well thought out. It's like spoken word meets a dope beat. She's talented. Anyway, she was down at SXSW (like the rest of the music universe) last week. I caught this video from her camp as her and drummer Bettis take over 6th Street in Austin with a live performance. You gotta love this type of energy. Dope. Enjoy the vid.

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