Showing posts with label 50 Cent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50 Cent. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CAPTION THIS: Get Gay or Die Trying

It's always so fresh to see XXL has their hands on the pulse of what's relevant in Hip-Hop. Where's Chris Hansen when you need him? How does Chelsea Handler feel about 50's new boo thang?

Anyway, I sent this pic out for a caption on twitter and well ... folks went in. Between TheProtege, OCSupreme and Sacromento, I could have just posted their stuff but there were a gang of funny captions out there. I lost some of my mentions, so I may have missed a few. Anyway, enjoy what I was able to gather.

Oh and most of these captions are hilarious because of how homophobic both of these guys are. Catch the comedy after the jump. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What The Eff is Shyne and 50 Cent Talking About Anyway? (video)

I don't normally post this shit but it's funny.

Shyne and 50 still beefing? About what? FOH with the rap beef. Truth be told, rap beef is fake. Fake, fake, fake. It's cooked up in boardrooms by record execs and scripted like a reality show. Seriously.

Shyne lives on an Island and 50 is doing movies. Neither one of these dudes are doing anything Hip-Hop should really be concerned about right now. Oh and the counting money thing 50, that shit was lame. Oh well, check out the 50 video and then Shyne's response. I'll say this about the videos, they both have some funny quotables.

“You’re on a fucking island. You can’t go to war from a fucking island.”

"I didn’t know he was so desperate. He’s gone from confidential informant, witness-protection program dude, getting order [of protection] on muthaf—as. Now he’s a stalker. I was in shock. He called up saying he was ‘Jamal from Harlem.’ He didn’t call up saying he’s Curtis Jackson, Hawaii 5-0. He’s a busta. I can’t believe it.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

TELL ‘EM WHY YOU MAD: What Should've Happened

Instead of Meth and others going at Joe Budden, what they needed to do is talk about how some of the real suspect cats made the list. Yes, perhaps Joe was out of line for calling some of these other dudes out but in reality there are definitely other folks that should be the target here. Vibe’s Best Rapper Alive/Ever brackets were bogus from the word go and instead of these respected emcees going at each other, they need to call out other heads that definitely shouldn’t be on either list. You judge the list for yourself: [Best Rapper Ever Bracket] [Best Rapper Alive Bracket]

After Michael Vick was released from jail, he should have asked for the phone. Then made a call to TI and said, "n*gga, go to jail already." We’ve all had to endure TI spending a year and a day promoting going to jail for a year and a day, when in reality he may get out in 10 months and will probably work on and release an album called a year and a day. Yes, his community service work is noble and sends a positive message to young people. But, homie you need to serve your time already and stop with the parties, making videos and marching with Al Sharpton (definitely stop marching with Al Sharpton). TI, if you want to set an example for the youth, then you need to serve your time and then come back out and continue that good community service work. Enough is enough.

After attending Bette Midler's picnic, a few folks should have met 50 in his driveway when he arrived home that evening. They should have collected his bulletproof vest and informed him that being shot was wiped away from his street cred record for attending the picnic. Then they should have informed him that he has officially crossed over and should begin work on a pop album, especially if he was honestly considering doing a duet with Bette (which would be a stupid track). Hey, make your money and rub shoulders with whomever but there is something about the photograph above that makes me laugh.

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