Thursday, March 03, 2011

2-Cent & Their Challenge To The Tom Joyner Morning Show

BACK STORY: El Williams, who manages TheSeKondElement, hit me up via email in regards to the group 2 Cent out of New Orleans. As their website elaborates, "2-Cent is a collaborative effort of creative, frustrated, and comedic twenty-somethings. They all posses the innate ability to convey humor and urgency toward issues that plague not only New Orleans, but America in general." Check out the full story after the jump.

When I received the email from El, I was immediately intrigued.

What's at the center of this story is their parody of the Lil Wayne "Every Girl In The World" track, that they remixed. Their "Every Book" was used to introduce a love of reading to school aged children. That was also coupled with their on-going commitment to get books into schools. In the past year they filled an entire library with 2400 books and gave away another 500 books at Christmas in '09. The support of the community, including the New Orleans Saints and Hornets, have aided in their work.

Anyway, Tom Joyner got wind of the video and according to 2-Cent, without even watching it blasted them on air. They have been aggressively seeking a follow up with Joyner to tell their side of their story and to get him involved with their Literacy Festival in May. In a response video, 2-Cent took a playful jab at Joyner's criticism with a parody of the popular Fresh Prince "Parents Don't Understand" which they updated to "Tom Just Don't Understand." 

Personally, I dig their community work. I also dig their parodies. What they do is fresh.

As of yesterday, Joyner hasn't responded personally, however 2-Cent's "Tom Just Don't Understand" video showed up on Joyner's site. Their work continues.

Here is the video that started it all. What are your thoughts on using popular music to introduce reading to young folks? Hit up the comment section.

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