Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday's Five Random Questions with Top $ Raz

Top $ Raz is the Far Rock Queens emcee who made a splash with his project Spilled Milk and is set to release his follow up, The New Flesh, February 22. His new project is packed with some great production, cool features and dope rhymes.

Raz is fresh.

Anyway, this week he decided to take the challenge. Check out how he answered five random questions after the jump.

Hometown: Far Rock
Current City: Far Rock.
How long have you been doing music: I recorded my first song at 14. I've been on the scene since summer '08 though.
Discography: The Narrative, Spilled Milk, The New Flesh.
Label: What's a label?
Describe your music in five words or less: I am the new flesh.

ThroatChop: Okay, first question. Your celebrity crush at age 10, 15 and now?
Top $ Raz: I think my crush from 10 years old was Topanga on Boy Meets World.  Age 15 I had a thing for Raven Symone. At that moment she was all the right parts of thickness, now shorty done let herself go. But back then ... yeah Raven was looking good.

TC: What TV character would you be and why?
Raz: Probably Eric from True Blood, that's one cool muthafucka. Chicks dig vampires.

TC: Who would play you in the movie of your life and why?
Raz: People keep telling me I look like Will Smith, so I guess him? If not him probably Rampage Jackson, I get compared to that brother a lot too. Ladies dig both those guys, so that's fine with me (laughs).

TC: What moment in your life would you like to relive and why?
Raz: The whole high school thing. I took it for granted and didn't even go to my senior trip. I would do a lot more extra curricular stuff.

TC: You hop in a car preparing for a 20 hour drive. Who's driving and what two other people are riding, and which three albums must you have for the trip?
Raz: My lady Jessica, who drives me everywhere, is probably going to be driving. My best friend Russel is definitely in the car, and my fellow emcee homie YC is probably in there too.  I'm definitely going to need a Jay-Z album in there, most likely The Black Album, going to need Midnight Maruaders, and since I haven't heard it in a car yet, I'll probably have my new album The New Flesh in there (PLUGS!!)

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