Thursday, December 02, 2010

Check It ... Premonition "Be the Change" feat. Warren Britt and SoSoon

With production from Willie Green and features from Warren Britt and SoSoon, this joint right here is pretty damn dope. Check out the latest from Premonition off his project Sum is Greater. Peep the track below and Prem's explanation of the project after the jump. Enjoy.

Sum is Greater.

Ever since art became a driving force in human culture, artists would work together to achieve greater ideas. These efforts or collaborations led to some of the finest achievements we have had the pleasure of beholding. Collaborative art has held a special place in the history of music's progression. From Jazz to Blues musicians fed off each other in order to achieve the best results.

There is certainly a treasure in discovering and creating work alone, but there is also a level of beauty that can be attained only through working together.

When minds come together that have mutual talent and more importantly mutual respect for one another, truly magical things can and will happen.

This is the basis for my project.

I believe that through collaborative efforts artists can find out more about themselves, while achieving something great together. With "Sum is Greater" I aim to bridge together fanbases and connect artists through a mutual respect and passion for the art we’re creating.

The crux of the project will feature myself accompanied by two different MCs every installment. The producer will change every installment as well as an artist who will create an original piece based on the song.

In total five artists will be involved in each song which will drop once a month, every month for 10 months. The song will be available for free download for exactly one month until the next song replaces it. This is to keep somewhat of an exclusivity to each work. When all the projects are complete it will be presented as an album with some additional tracks.

The first installment is a song entitled "Be the Change." Featuring Brooklyn MC Warren Britt, the Queens spitter SoSoon and Beatsmith Willie Green. Original artwork will be presented by Reema Mitra which will accompany the project on the download.

I am proud to be presenting such an ambitious project and promise to all supporters and listeners they will be glad they checked for it.

Yours in Rhyme,


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1 comment:

  1. Jesse Abraham10:33 AM

    pretty damn dope is right, yep!!
