Soon as I found out that Lauryn Hill was coming through to perform around my area, I had to be on it for several reasons. I didn't know what to expect from the show and from Ms. Hill but was down to see for myself. Having to wait 3 hours for her to get on stage from what supposed to be a 9pm show start and dropping $50 on a ticket, I wasn't feeling too good about what I thought was to come. After hours of waiting in a packed spot, antsy, agitated, cramped, her band members started filling the stage. I figured then she had to show up and that she was late. Her DJ even had stated earlier in the night that she was running late due to a fire in a hotel or something. Don't take my word for it because it was hard to hear when he gave the explanation.
Finally, after about another half hour of her band setting up she was spotted. Crowd went bananas. Song after song she performed her hits with minimal stops and maximum energy. It was hard to hear some of her singing and therefore hard to figure out what songs she was performing, but overall it was a decent show. But, I think that's enough about me trying to describe it with my words. Check out the videos by clicking READ MORE to view them and see for yourself. Enjoy.

We'll Be Forever Loving Jah
Lost One
To Zion
How Many Mics
Oh La La La
Ready Or Not
Killing Me Softly
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