Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday's Five Random Questions with @Freshdotdaily

I feel like I had heard more about Fresh Daily before I had heard any of his actual music. Then I finally got a hold of one of his tracks and was impressed by the Brooklyn emcee with a keen sense of style and straight lyrical abilities. His vision shows through his music. His art. Anyway, if you're unfamiliar with Fresh Daily, you should definitely get familiar with the dude. He's dope.

So, Fresh decided to take the challenge this week. Check out how he answered five random questions after the jump.

Hometown: BROOKLYN, NY
Current City: BROOKLYN, NY
How long have you been doing music: 10 YEARS
MIXTAPES Mad Flavas, Illy for Rilly, Winterfresh, Tomorrow is Today, Mothership/L A N D Commercial Album: Gorgeous Killer in Crimes of Passion
Describe your music in five words or less: Super. retro. future. fresh. lyrical.

TMB: Okay, first question. Your celebrity crush at age 10, 15 and now?

Fresh: At age 10, hurm *scratches head* .. I wasn't on it like that. 15? It was Jada Pinkett Smith. Now, it's Rachel True.

TMB: What's your biggest fear?

Fresh: I'm not posting my biggest fear publicly on the internet (laughs).

TMB: What TV character would you be?

Fresh: Larry David

TMB: You're in a car preparing for a 20 hour drive. Who's driving and what two other people are riding, and which three albums must you have for the trip and why?

Fresh: Probably P.SO, the Earthtone King and Iron Solomon. Three albums I need? Outkasts double cd Love Below/Speakerboxx (cheat code, hoe!) Slum Village Fantastic Vol. 2, Shuggie Otis Inspiration Information.

TMB: You hop into a cab in Brooklyn. Jesus is the cab driver. Where do you ask him to take you and what's the convo?

Fresh: I ask him to just drive and really politic with him about why life is the way it is for me. I'd film EVERYTHING during this cab ride to show mom dukes, also.

Feel M E (Fresh Daily) from Nicolas Heller on Vimeo.

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