Friday, October 08, 2010

Friday's Five Random Questions with @Donwill

His name is Donwill. Not Don Will. Or DonWill. Just Donwill. And this year, he released one of my favorite albums, Don Cusack In High Fidelity. He's also 1/3 of Tanya Morgan. The Cincinnati native is dope and his music, whether a feature or his own project, is always fresh. I definitely dig what he does. Anyway, this week Donwill decided to take the challenge. Check out how he answered five random questions, after the jump.

Hometown: Cincinnati
Current City: Brooklyn
How long have you been doing music: A long ass time
Tanya Morgan - The Sandwich Shop
Donwill - Don Cusack in High Fidelity
Donwill - Laura's Tape
Tanya Morgan - Brooklynati
Tanya Morgan - The Bridge ep
Tanya Morgan is a rap group
Donwill - Suburban Sprawl
Tanya Morgan - Moonlighting
Tanya Morgan - the sunset ep
Tanya Morgan - Sunlighting

Label: Who signing? Let's talk.
Describe your music in five words or less: Fight, fuck, dream to it

TMB: Okay, first question. Your celebrity crush at age 10, 15 and now?

Donwill: 10 - Winnie Cooper. 15 - Denise Huxtable. Now - Sophia Vergara

TMB: What TV character would you be and why?

Donwill: George Costanza. My life is really random and very awesome. And for some reason I've got a rep for being pretty surly.

TMB: Single greatest fear? Why?

Donwill: Tough one. I don't think about what I'm scared of because it helps me stay fearless. I don't like condiments though, so I'd say that's my greatest fear. Condiments.

TMB: This is one of our newest questions. I took to twitter to come up with the choices. So, Lindsay Lohan, Kerry Washington and Paris Hilton, who would you marry, eff and kill?

Donwill: Marry - Kerry Washington. Fuck - Lindsay Lohan. Kill - Paris Hilton (For the record I'd smash em all and I considered marrying Paris for the money alone. I would marry and kill Paris for insurance money. Then marry Kerry).

TMB: Okay, last question. You walk in the studio for a session and find out Jesus (yes, that Jesus) and Kanye West are producing the track for you. What's the first line in your rhyme?

Donwill: You know what the midwest is ...

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