Friday, September 03, 2010

Friday's Five Random Questions with @JeanGreasy

Jean Grae has for a long time been a dope emcee. Her music stays on point.

In recent months her name has been mentioned with Nicki Minaj, often comparing the two. In most circles, Jean wins. While she may appreciate the compliment, she'd rather the two co-exist. As she said in an interview back in June with Karen Civil, “seriously, I’m fine with what she does.”

She went on to say, “let Nicki do what she does and let me do what I do … let us all be out there ... I don’t want to be the only person standing in rap.”

Along with music, Jean has been keeping it real on twitter, hosting a weekly show on Da Beatminerz Radio ( and so much more.

Jean is good people, who always keeps shit real. And she's hilarious too. She decided to take the challenge this week. Check out how Jean answered five random questions.

Hometown: Cape Town, South Africa.
Current City: New York City
How long have you been doing music: I don't like the fact that you're insinuating I have an intimate relationship with music. No. I'm not "doing" music... ew. *smacks in the mouth* with glove.
Discography: Google it. That's ridiculous.
Label: They label me a "femcee"... I label myself a "murderer"... Cheers!
Describe your music in five words or less: Five, four, three, two ... EPIC.

TMB: Okay, first question. Your celebrity crush at age 10, 15 and now?

Jean Grae: Johnny Depp, Johnny Depp and Johnny Deep.

TMB: What TV character would you be and why?

JG: Kenny Powers. I don't think I have to explain that. Or, if Kenny Powers fucked Larry David who fucked that hooker in the HBO hooker series that didn't come back on. Apparently I would be a lot of HBO motherfuckers. Huh. Go figure.

TMB: You're at dinner with five people from history (living or dead) who are they? What's the conversation?

JG: I think that is also a ridiculous question. Clearly, I would want them to be alive. Otherwise, that's terribly creepy. It's also unsanitary. Also doesn't make for very good conversation. If they were dead, I mean. Unless it was a seance. That's REALLY creepy though.

TMB: Which three songs would be on the soundtrack of your life and why?

JG: "I Would Do Anything For Love (but I won't do that)" Meatloaf. "Living On A Prayer" Bon Jovi. "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" Big Big, on Sesame Street. I believe you know why.

TMB: Okay, last question. You walk in the studio for a session and find out Jesus (yes, that Jesus) and Kanye West are producing the track. What's the first line in your rhyme?  

JG: Jesus doesn't do co-production. That's a trick question. I see what you did there.

<a href="">Love Song pt. 4 by The Mad Bloggers</a>

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