Wednesday, August 04, 2010

What tha Lady is Watching...

“Lonely Toss” produced by @Jinesis featuring actors Nelson Estevez and Akira Adel

Lonely Toss featuring Nelson Estevez and Akira Adel from Jinesis on Vimeo.

My inbox has made me smile once again… Jinesis, who is a genius producer, shared a video from his “My Thoughts Exactly” project. Jinesis’ work is instrumental, which is a great break from the sometime monotony of beats and lyrics. Not that I ever get tired of great beats and lyrics but sometimes, the music is just soothing. His beats are almost like musical thoughts. You can feel what he was thinking as he created the beat. “Lonely Toss” is a video which translates the beat into a musical journey into a relationship. The situation presented is definitely something I can relate to and I have watched it a few times. The music is dope and the whole project can be downloaded at Please take the time and check out the video “Lonely Toss” featuring Nelson Estevez and Akira Adel.
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