Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Take This Job And Shove It...

We have all had moments where we are at work and at the end of our ropes. The annoying client. The stupid boss. We think of all kinds of dramatic ways to quit, letting our company know that we are clearly displeased. Well JetBlue flight attendant, Steven Slater, is officially my job-quitting hero.

On 8.9.10, Mr. Slater had an employment meltdown. Working with the public is not an easy job. People are rude and as he is a flight attendent, I can just imagine the BS he endures daily. He's been on the job for quite some time now. After cursing out a passenger over the intercom system and then being hit in the head by overhead luggage, Mr. Slater decided enough was enough and jumped ship... Literally. Mr Slater activated the emergency slide, grabbed a beer off the cart, ran to his car in the employee parking lot and drove home. As he departed he could be heard saying, "There goes 28 years".

Thanks to the Associated Press, you can check out his cool ass perp walk... It has "Fuck y'all" written all over it!!

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