Friday, August 06, 2010

Kanye West "Power" (official video)

I don't normally post something that I know everyone (and their mom, literally) will be posting but I just really wanted to post the above tweet and the video gives it greater context. Haha! Anyway, I actually think the video is dope. Like I predicted Tuesday, the concept was going to go over a lot of heads. It sure did. It's funny that Kanye said it would be a portrait and NOT a video and that it would last 90 seconds. Folks still felt left unfilled. Who are we kidding, people don't watch more than 60 seconds of videos anyway. Anyhoo, enjoy.

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1 comment:

  1. Kanye is having fun with everyone who believes he is secretly running the most secret of secret organizations. People....Kanye is a very talented asshole. Nothing more.
